Wednesday, 27 July 2016

So they have my daughter a list of pretty advanced words for her kindergarten screening...

And the principal was nice enough to tell me "it's okay if she doesn't know ALLof them yet"...... She's 5. She doesn't know ANY of them. She has only just learned (from seems schools are assuming all kids went to pre-k) how to spell words that are spelled phonetically...which I thought readi ng and spelling at ALL, put her ahead since all the readiness lists I've seen and the pediatrician checkups included up to,at the most, "recognizing some letters in her own name".Also, every time we've worked on this, I've done capital letters. Now they throw a curveball by giving her a words list entirely in lowercase. Words like "write" and "called" and "one" that are memorization-based....I'm pretty irritated that my average to bright child is going to possibly end up in a class with kids way below her level just because of this. Kindergarten isn't what it used to be.But I already knew that. Anyway. Does anyone have experience with the kindergarten screenings or know what the ACTUAL standard for the average child is? I'm hoping it's somewhere in between "know your colors " and "read 'antidisestablishmentarianism ' " via /r/Parenting

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