Thursday, 28 July 2016

I need help to protect my daughter from a child rapist. Very complicated situation.

My ex, the father of my son, is a child rapist. He raped and molested at least two minor girls that I know of. Unfortunately, due to an extremely shitty police department and a lack of physical evidence, it looks very much like he is not going to be convicted of these crimes.Because he has not been found guilty, he maintains partial custody of my son. That in itself is horrible, but not the subject of this post. I have a younger daughter with my current husband. She's seen her brother's dad on occasion when he has picked him up, so she "knows" him.My son's father volunteers very frequently at my son's school - marvelous pasttime for a child rapist, isn't it! My daughter is starting school there next year and I need advice on how to make her understand that she needs to stay the fuck away from him. This is further complicated because I can't explain WHY to her. My son is oblivious to his father's crimes - I can't legally speak negatively about his father, and I wouldn't want to anyway because that would hurt my son and accomplish nothing. But anything I told my daughter about this man, she would repeat to her brother.So that's my question - how can I keep my daughter away from a child rapist without telling her why she needs to stay away. She's not the kind of kid who will obey me without a "good reason" and she's extremely friendly/social, so she would be drawn to run over and play with this man that she "knows." via /r/Parenting

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