My son is going to be a senior in high school next month. That means we've been looking at and talking about colleges a lot. It's pretty exciting that he'll be out there on his own soon!But there's a fly in the ointment. My son has arthritis. His joints hurt almost all the time and prevent him from doing a lot of "regular kid" things. He used to be big into rock climbing - he loved it and was really good at it. He even got a job at the rock climbing gym. But then his conditioned worsened, and he had to quit. I know he could have a 504, but there really aren't any "reasonable accommodations" that would allow hi. To continue his duties. You pretty much have to stand on a soft surface for hours at a time in order to belay.He's starting a new job soon as a prep guy at a pizza place. Having a stool to sit on while chopping tomatoes and onions is definitely a reasonable accommodation.When I think about college, I worry. How's that going to work? What are "reasonable accommodations." There's so much walking to do in college, on campus, to your dorm, socializing. I'm sure he can get extra time for assignments if his hands are hurting, right? But what will happen on days that he just can't walk a mile to class?And he's a kid that doesn't like to draw attention to himself. Up to this point, I've been his voice. But in college and work, he'll have to speak for himself. I can counsel him and help him, but in the end he has to do it. I worry that he'll suffer in silence and then just quit whatever it is rather than speak up and ask for help.I just have a lot of worries as he enters adulthood. Has anyone else here been through this? What advice can you give me? via /r/Parenting
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