Thursday, 28 July 2016

My girlfriend threatened to Kidnap the babies...

Some background first...See my other reddit thread if you like, I posted about my girlfriend's creepy father sexually assaulting our baby by kissing the baby on his genitals.We are living in Canada now, but my girlfriend wants badly to return to Poland, where her father lives.Several times I have discussed my strong concerns about her father, but she defends him all the time and accuses me of "insulting her family." She wants to go stay at his house and even leave the kids there alone with her parents to babysit..I have been stalling on our return trip to Poland this year, but she is getting eager.The other day she gave me an ultimatum saying that if we don't go back to Poland soon she will go back alone and take the kids. Long story short I said 'how will you do that without passport?" (I have stored them for safe keeping lol) and she replied something along the lines of "you think I can't leave without a passport? There are ways!!"My quick thinking, I went in the other room and started my cellphone video, and continued the conversation, basically recording her threats to 'kidnap' the children back to Poland. Its a few minute recording but she is basically repeating that she will take them back home with or without my consent (or passports..?)Not in that conversation, but before in a similar conversation she has alluded to not having a problem leaving as a "Oh you think I will have a problem? i'm a poor woman with babies. my boyfriend treats me badly" (something along those lines). She is prepared to malinger abuse to gain sympathy and custody (a common tactic)Any ideas what to do next? Parental abduction is actually quite common, and in Canada the laws do nothing to get children back once they are out of the country, even if the parent is Criminally charged with 'felony' abduction.It would be nice to prevent this and of course the most important thing - protect 2 innocent babies from the creepy grandfather (who is likely a pedophile).Thoughts…. comments…. solutions? :) via /r/Parenting

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