Sunday, 31 July 2016

How do I help my son [16m] make friends? He says he feels lonely and needs help.

We have a 16-year-old son, he has Asperger's Syndrome, he's a bright boy, enjoys his schoolwork, is going to college in September (that's post-16 education here in the UK) and has numerous interests, mostly news, cars, coding, food and drink.More recently, he's become very interested in American/Canadian culture, wants to meet Americans or Canadians in our area, and find a girlfriend. He told me he's lonely and wants help but doesn't know how to make new friends, particularly finding ones who are local. He also wants a girlfriend too (but likes American girls mainly). He told me he liked American and Canadian women/girls as they were friendlier, more positive and not like stereotypes.I read somewhere online that people with Aspergers Syndrome often prefer to have a foreign partner but is this true, I know little about dating and Asperger's Syndrome as it is.Our area of Yorkshire is multiracial; Irish, Chinese, Indian/Pakistani etc. but he told me he feels lonely and specifically wants to try and find friends who are American/Canadian etc. so he can learn more about their culture and not rely on stereotypes of Americans.He told me that the only time he's really met Americans was some tourists in our area of Leeds and that they were nice people; he liked the girl and the girl liked him but he said it'd come to nothing as they lived in London.He said social media wouldnt help him, he needs to learn in person.How can we help him, we don't know what to do?Any other parents here have a child with Aspergers Syndrome?Would really like some help here, as me and my wife aren't sure how to help him. via /r/Parenting

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