Saturday, 26 October 2019

“Guided Access” makes playing on a phone or tablet so much easier with a toddler.

We try and limit our little one’s access to screens as much as possible, but now and then it is nice to play something educational with them - any of the “match the animal sound” or “find the shape” games, for example.However, for far too long we were getting frustrated that he would keep pressing the home button or swipe to other apps on our iPad or iPhone. What we took way too long to realise is there is a setting to stop that happening.In General - Accessibility on an iPhone or iPad, turn on “Guided access”. Then when in the app you want them to use, triple click the home button (or power button on newer devices). When you press “start”, the app is locked - you can’t come out, power off the device etc, and at last your little one can be in full control.In settings you can also set a passcode to exit the Guided access mode - which may be useful when caving in to the demands of older kids asking “Can I play a game on your phone?” - no more worry of them accidentally emailing the boss or finding anything they shouldn’t.I know many of you may have found this already (and I’m sure there is an alternative for Android) - but it seems so poorly advertised / documented that we thought it may be best to share!(And of course, this is never a substitute for supervision - playing with devices can be fun and educational but never to substitute being there and interacting with little developing minds!) via /r/Parenting

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