I’m a single parent to a stubborn 4-year-old boy who just started Transitional Kindergarten this past fall. He had a few issues the year before in preschool, but nothing to be super concerned about. Over the summer, his dad moved out of the state and they haven’t seen each other since the beginning of July (I’m really not sure if this is significant or not). I work 1 full time and 2 part time jobs and I attend one college class to try to better our situation.When he started TK, he had a few behavior issues like what we had seen at preschool, but more frequent. The teacher sends notes home about his behavior and we address it. Discussions, taking away TV, taking away toys. When he did well, I would reward him, get super excited, and praise him. But the good times seem to be few and far between. His most common offense is that he won’t stay seated on his spot during the carpet learning time. When asked to complete his class work, sometimes he does it incorrectly, which he states is because he just wanted to be done with it so he could play. I see similar problems at home. He doesn’t often follow directions, especially the first time, so he is often punished for it with time outs or having things taken away.Unfortunately, his behavior kept getting worse and my last stitch effort at getting him to follow directions was to threaten to give ALL of his toys away the next time that is behavior was bad enough to require a note home (something his dad suggested during a phone call one day). Well, about a week later, his behavior was once again horrendous. So I followed through and removed all of his toys. His behavior didn’t change. He continued to behave poorly so any and all of the fall festivities I had planned had to be cancelled. He will not be going trick or treating. I told him yesterday morning that he had to have positive feedback from school in order to carve pumpkins last night.When I went to pick him up, he was sitting in detention at day care. He had run out of daycare without permission. What’s worse is that his feedback from class that day was very poor as HE HAD PUNCHED ANOTHER CHILD IN THE STOMACH and when teachers asked why, he said that he didn’t want to be that kids friend so he punched him. I just don’t understand. I don’t know what else to do. I feel like I’ve tried everything and he will not improve for longer than a week.Any and all advice is welcome. I just don’t know what else to do.TLDR: my 4-year-old’s behavior at school and at home has been worsening progressively and he hit a child at school yesterday. I have tried rewards and taking things away and I don’t know what else to do. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2JzoU7j
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