Wednesday, 30 October 2019

My childs preschool doesn't want him anymore, I start work full time Monday at a new job, feeling pretty defeated.

I am having a pretty awful day today. My 3.5 year old son has been struggling with behavior at preschool for a while, he started last August. First they were upset because he was having too many potty accidents (we pay the not potty trained price), then that got better and he was too loud, or didn't sit well at circle time, he ripped up a book, then he started biting (peaked at 3 times in a week), they sent him home. He stopped biting but was hitting and pushing when people were close to him.I thought he was doing better. He hasn't bitten for almost a month, he hasn't had an incident report for about that much time, then there was the halloween parade/party disaster on Friday. It was held in the hall near school. I could tell mine seemed very tired, they cut nap time short for it but once playing started he was cheerful. After the parade we all were in a field with a steep slope and hung out there (not the safest area and not at the school), the kids kept going down the slope where there were no adults there was a few steps (3 or 4) up to a platform for a door, and the kids kept going up there, my son pushed another kid off the platform and he hit his head and got a goose egg. We felt awful and the parent of the injured boy was pissed. We talked to ours a bunch but he just kept crying and saying sorry and then he said his ear hurt. Next he spent all night screaming from a very bad ear infection.Today I brought him back. yesterday he didn't need any pain meds, he hasn't had a fever since Saturday. I felt ashamed to go to the school with my son, the pusher, the reformed biter, the kid who has too much energy. I felt like crying after I dropped him off. I warned them about the ear infection. Then they called me 4 hours later and told me he is pushing and kicking again and to pick him up. When I went there she said its an ongoing issue, that she is worried he will hurt another kid. I said I would look for a different place and she was clearly happy about that. Now I feel like a horrible mom. They haven't officially kicked him out but now I need to find him a new place, knowing he isn't great in a preschool setting and all while starting my brand new job and new career on Monday. I feel so overwhelmed I can barely function. I don't know how I will pretend to be happy when I start work next week. via /r/Parenting

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