Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Any other young parents out there doing whatever you can to make it?

So, me:I didnt finish high school. Never pursued college. Worked various jobs from 17-19 years old. When I got pregnant I took a part time job at a car wash.I gave birth at 20 years old. Dad was not involved.Three months after giving birth, I got a part time desk job for $12 an hour from 5pm to 10pm, because my parents worked 7 to 4:30, and could watch him while I worked. I still lived with them and could not afford a babysitter working part time for such low pay, so thankfully this worked out. I dont know what I would have done without their help.I eventually quit that job to start working at Little Caesars. Same hours. Nights, weekends.When my sons child support starting coming in, I was able to save a lot and afford to put him in daycare full time so i could work full time.When my son was 2.5, i landed the job I have now.I got an apartment shortly before my son's third birthday, but it didnt come easily. I was only making $12 an hour and the only place that would rent to me and my infant was a crappy complex that required 3x rent, which I didnt qualify for even with child support added to my gross income.So my very generous boss made me fake pay stubs saying I made $16 an hour and I was able to secure the place. (And for the record, I've had no problems paying my bills, and I still live there 1.5 years later - I just didnt technically meet the requirement for 3x the rent)I am very grateful for all the help I received. Not everyone gets as lucky as i did. A lot of my friends that are young parents were and still are in the same boat as me; still living at home, not getting enough child support or income to afford their own place or put their kids in the ridiculously expensive daycares/schools. I completely sympathize with those parents.I am now 25, and my son is 4. He will be attending public school kindergarten next Fall. I'm regularly getting raises at my job, and will be starting college in Jan 2020. It gets easier, but it's been tough. What's your story? via /r/Parenting

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