Thursday, 31 October 2019

I am looking for ways to remain in my daughters life, even though I'm not physically in it. Please help.

I'm not going to give personal details, but through a very shitty situation I have been forced out of my daughters life for the foreseeable future.I do keep a journal for her, tell her about what I'm going through, reinforce that I'm missing her, write small anecdotes from times I've spent with her etc. I missed her birthday but I did still get her some presents, and a card which I've put away safely for the future.I would like to make a video to one day show her, explaining everything that's happened before time passes and the memories fade too much. Tell her what she means to me. I'd really appreciate some ideas on other things to talk about.She's only a baby so it will be a long time before I can build any connection to her. I love her, and I believe she will grow up being fed lies about me. I want to be able to show her one day that no, Dad tried to be there, Dad never stopped thinking about and loving you.Does anybody have any suggestions for me? via /r/Parenting

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