Monday, 28 October 2019

My son (15yrs) is talking about dropping out of high school and keeps asking me to homeschool him. Does agreeing to his request make me supportive or an enabler?

My son is the middle child. He had a rough childhood. He was diagnosed with all types of behavioral issues. He was on the autism spectrum- not sure if PDD-NOS is even considered autistic anymore. He has ADHD and had separation anxiety. He always had it rough emotionally but we always had him in therapy and he has actually turned a corner.He is much calmer but now “hates people”. He is friendly but cannot tolerate being around too many people for too long. He gets over stimulated very quickly. Because of this he zones out to avoid conflict. He pays zero attention and doesn’t do any class work. He tests high enough to get him by so that helps him.My husband (step-dad) and I decided to let him go off his meds in middle school because he cried everyday and never slept. When we did this his doctor advised against it because is grades and performance would suffer so as a family we decided that we would be okay with that. His side effects were too depressing to watch.Now he is a sophomore that wants to drop out. I explained that I was there too. I explained that it would be crazy to drop out when he only has two years left. I explained that 2 more years as a student is nothing when he has 70 more years of adulthood to live. I explained that “flunking out” was stupid because it would actually make him stay in school longer until they actually asked him to leave.I don’t know what to say to him but he is ready to give up and I want to cheer him in an encouraging way instead of beating sense into him ...because on the inside, I do want to slap him upside his head.If he stays at home he will be mostly on his own while we are at work and I don’t think that is healthy for him socially, but I’ve been where he is. At home tutoring helped me tons but they don’t have those options where I live.My husband says homeschool is not an option but I’m on the fence.If I shouldn’t consider homeschool- how do I convince him to finish school and to actually TRY? via /r/Parenting

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