Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Public Service announcement. My fully vaccinated children have whooping cough at ages 8 and 5. Here’s what to look out for. Vaccinated kids don’t get it quite as bad and they show symptoms differently.

My children are vaccinated. My daughter (age 8) started coughing mildly about 4 weeks ago. I’m not sure exactly when it began as it was a very mild cough that slowly progressed to a (still mild) stronger cough. Her brother coincidentally had a dTAP booster about 4 weeks ago as he is 5 years old. He started coughing about 2.5-3 weeks ago. With him as well, it started very mild but his got much worse. Progressively they started having runny noses and overall not feeling well so I took them to their doctors. I was told it was viral, cold or flu. Progressively the coughs got worse and runny noses continued but the cough was not terrible at this point. I called back 5-7 days later as my daughter spiked a fever for two days. I expressed that her cough had just gone on too long, although they said her lungs sounded fine they agreed to a chest X-ray. Chest X-ray showed a “reactive node” meaning it was inflamed from what I understand. They said we need to re-X-ray a month later. Again, sent home with no antibiotics. Son then started coughing harder and almost gagging when he did. Two days later I’m back in the office with him. Diagnosis, walking pneumonia. Due to him being allergic to amoxicillin he was put on azithromycin which ended up to be a lucky break (one of the few antibiotics that treats pertussis- amoxicillin does not). Go home. Exactly two days later my daughter who’s seemingly better with a mild, once in a while cough, gets off the school bus and is itching all over. She had went to the nurse who did not even look at her and told her to tell her mom when she gets home. I take her clothes off and she’s got a rash (almost like hives) all over her body. It itches and she’s panicking so I give her a baking soda bath, Benedryl and spread cream all over it. At this point I call after hours at their doctors and demand to be seen the next morning. The rash subsided after the meds kicked in but the next morning there is a new itchy rash up her entire neck, cheek and forehead. Again I give her Benedryl and we head off to the doctors. At this point I’m adamant we are missing something and the doctor agrees to do full bloodwork and nasal testing. The nasal testing was hell. They almost gave up. She fought after the first one and got so upset she threw up and we had to all wrap her in a sheet and hold her down. We went home after testing and another rash had popped up all over her. I’m so glad we didn’t give up though as the bloodwork showed no pertussis but the nasal swabs (they go deep) showed she did indeed have it along with walking pneumonia.We didn’t test my son. He was already being treated. We assume he has it, I know he does. His cough has progressed and now he’s nearly throwing up at night (sometimes he does throw up) due to coughing fits. This is hell. He’s missed three weeks of school. He will go hours seemingly fine for sometimes up to 4-5 hours and then a major coughing fit. He gasps for breath when it happens and pukes or almost does. Daughter is better now with the cough fading.Everyone in contact with these kids had to be treated as well.I can’t imagine how bad this could be if they didn’t have the shield of being vaccinated. It does make it not quite as bad thankfully. People are surprised to find out this can happen to vaccinated kids, but it can. The health department had to speak with my kids school, the school had to send out letters, calls and texts to let everyone know there was an outbreak.Pertussis in vaxxed kids doesn’t always manifest as you read online. Just wanted to do my part and share this. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2NnUtlx

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