Saturday, 26 October 2019

Issues sleeping.

Hey guys! I have a question I was wondering if I could get some advice on. My son turned one a few weeks ago, and he is having a rough time sleeping. He will go to bed as what I think is normally, usually about 15 mins of fighting it then passes out. Bed time is usually about 7:30PM. The issue we have been having now is, he has been “waking up” sometimes fussing, sometimes screaming at like 3AM. He never fully opens his eyes. He just cry’s, rolls around for about 5 minutes, then falls back asleep. Sleep for about 15 mins then it’ll happen again. Usually about 4-5 times a night. He never wants to feed when this happens, doesn’t want to be held, doesn’t want his pacifier, seems like there’s really nothing we can do to comfort him. He was really colicky from new born to like 6 months. So idk if it’s that still, he never toots when it happens so I wouldn’t think so. Maby it’s a bad dream? But every night? We are just at a loss. If anyone has any suggestions or has had this happens we will gladly take any advice! Thanks! via /r/Parenting

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