Thursday, 31 October 2019

Heading off the cereal debate - our diabolical solution

We don't do cereals in our house. We have successfully curbed it prior to school. We are by no means a no sweets household, but starting off the day with a cereal is a slippery slope and I have genetically terrible teeth (sorry kiddo) so we try to limit added sugars as reasonably as we can.So as I'm sure many of you know, school exposes them to the habits of others. They talk about their favorite characters, foods and that means....cereals. Naturally the 5 year old wants to explore these magical sugar bombs, and I don't blame him. We told him what he could do to earn it, and then discussed a plan amongst ourselves.We were at a loss on how to deal with this issues without causing more....then, as if the world knew of my plight, a discussion online popped up where people were remembering their favorite cereals and Captain Crunch is brought up.Remember those delicious puffs of corn and sugar? It's pure perfection to a child's taste buds. Now, do you remember how they utterly shredded the roof of your mouth? I came to the conclusion that this cereal was our answer.This isn't sadism, though I suppose consenting adults could do something fun with that, but a way for my child to explore sugar cereal and learn moderation without anyone saying a damn word.So today it happened. He had his first bowl. He, of course, got the mouth ouchies and I got to just be a nice mom and give him a hug. This will sort itself out.Anyways I thought I'd share in case any of you are having similar conflicts. via /r/Parenting

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