Son is 5 and 3 weeks ago he could not ride a bike. We bought him a big boy bike for his 4th birthday but we had little luck and had even less luck with the strider bike. But we bought him a "Balance Buddy" from Amazon (which I highly recommend) and he could start going on his own with a couple hours of practice. We've been going down to the river where there's a nice flat trail with grass on both sides so if he gets out of control he can just fall into that. He bikes and I jog. It's about 8 minutes/mile.But the river trail is further away, so last week we decided to hit a recently paved trail closer to our house. We got there and there was no one there, perfect. We get going and already he is off and going pretty quickly. I call to him to slow down but he starts freaking out. It is only now that I realize the recently paved trail still has the gravel piled to both sides of the trail, there's no where he feels comfortable to pull off. I push myself but can't catch him (it's not obvious on the way out that there is a slight downhill slope on the trail). He's too distracted by the rocky sides to concentrate on slowing down. I keep yelling and he keeps steadily creeping further from me. I'm starting to freak. I know there is a part of the trail that intersects the road coming up. It's a little used road, but it's enough to freak me out. I start sprinting but can't catch my breath to continue far enough to grab him. Sheer luck, he passes the road and keeps going. Finally the trail starts to incline and I push harder than I ever have and just grab him as my body starts to break down. I catch him after 3/4 of a mile of sheer panic and running. I look down at my runkeeper app and we have been going a 6:20/mile. I'm exhausted and my body is gasping for air. We have to sit for 10 minutes before we both have the energy to turn around. We were intending to go 3 miles but only did the 1 1/2 miles.Yesterday we went back to the river and it was much more pleasant.Anyone else have crazy experiences trying to excercise with your kid? via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2PuJDwK
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