Ok, So i'm a single father with sole custody of my daughter and until my car wreck that broke my back and put me out of work for almost 8 months so here we are. I dont know what to do. Before we moved back in with my parents, my daughter definitely listened better, she would pick up her toys (after some pushback). Now that i'm back here living until I can get on my feet, I have to get this figured out. I am having more trouble out of the simplest little things with her because every single time I try to tell her no or discipline her when she does something wrong, she runs straight to my grandma and cries like her legs were just ripped off. And then my mom will come in and jump in "What did you do to her?" ""You better not have spanked her" etc etc... I understand grandparents are mostly always "the good guys" and I get to be the bad guy (my grandparents sure were "the good guys"). I remember doing the same thing with my grandparents but we didn't live with them. Totally different situation. S owhen we got back home and I had done something bad or worthy of a spanking, I knew when i got home that I would get it. Now my daughter is basically doing what she wants, then running and hiding behind my mother. How have other parents made it through the situation with your sanity?? How do you put up with this shit without just flipping the fuck out?? This is a daily event now. (Yes I realize we have to have our own place but im not there financially yet)So heres a good example.So last night I take my daughter to the fair at a big church in our town. Were going from ride to ride having fun, got some food. Next thing I know I turn my head from my plate towards her and she has taken off full sprint towards a group of people and just disappeared in them. I almost choked on my food as I took off after her. She was just going to ride more but she messed up. I didn't spank her, but we had a long talk about what went wrong, she did it again maybe an hour later so we packed up and left (they were 15 minutes from closing anyways). Fast forward to this morning. 6 am my daughter wakes up. No big deal, turned on cartoons and she always falls right back asleep after 5-10 minutes. I wake up 30 minutes later to her jumping on the couches and chairs basically being a kid. Not a big deal. I talked to her about putting her listening ears on, had that whole talk and told her we were going to sit down on the couch for a while and think about what we did wrong. Good until this point. So she tells me she has to use the bathroom. Sure, go potty and come back and sit down. "ok dad" next thing I know here she comes down the hall and here starts the accusations and the arguing from my mother who has no idea whats going on. I have talked until i'm blue in the face about how much trouble i'm having since being back home and it just turns into a pissing match to see who can throw the lowest blow (I sent my daughter back in her room with the TV up at this point, I know where this is going). Its just another pissing match.How have other parents made it through this situation. Her mom is not in her life anymore due to her choice so I don't have a "significant other" to turn to during all this. Its me vs my daughter and my parents. I need some advice, Im on the verge of losing my mind, my sleeping is all screwed up, my anxiety just pulling up to this house grows everyday. We'll go to the park after school and just play in the water park until its almost bedtime most days just so I don't have to deal with my parents. I am losing my mind being stuck here until I can get out. Thats the end of my rant. I'm going to curl back in bed and try to get some more sleep. Thanks in advance for any advice, i'm at the end of my rope here. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2soSaoS
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