Friday, 22 June 2018

Am I a deadbeat dad??

So me and my ex split up a while ago when we had a daughter who was a year and a half old.We live in London at my ex's choice, away from family and my support network (this sent me into mad depression in the early ages of parenthood). My ex, to this day still refuses to relocate closer to family (she has personal issues with my family). This means she has no babysitters. (We pay for daycare for 3 days a week)So I didn't have a job for a year after university. And we stayed in a shitty studio for that year. I then got a job (in my field) and that allowed us to get a bigger place. Our problems never got solved between us as we are different people. We ended up breaking up.Background: my job is 2 hours away 1 way from where we stayed. It was supposed to be 6 month temporary. Before we broke up, we came to the decision that I would temporarily move closer to work and pay money back to them, visit every weekend.We broke up shortly after that for different reasons. So now I'm paying what I can per month back to my ex for child support (£200 a month). I make it my mission to visit every weekend. Get to my daughter at 10-10:30 am and stay till 6:30 seeing as her bed time is 7pm.Because we are in London, rent is insane for a shared room. Travel is around £12 for a return there and back and I can't stay over (awkwardness and current partners). So for a month, it adds up.So I see my daughter every Saturday which is what I can afford. I can't move closer because the houses are more expensive where my ex lives (within london) compared to where I live (outside of London but still 650 for a room). Travel to work every day would be like £160 a month.I don't get paid a lot. Especially for London living. I have been able to buy myself maybe...3 t shirts and 2 pairs of jeans in the past 5 years due to me struggling financially (university, unemployment and now general living). My ex says I should be coming to visit my daughter twice a week but I literally....cannot afford it. That's 24 a week and thus £96 a month. After all bills and food, I'm currently left with £60 of actual spending money. That's for anything. In the tightest budget. As in £60 towards coffees or snacks at work, if I want to hang out with friends. Any form of standard living free money.My ex called me a deadbeat dad today because of this. She states that I only see my daughter for 6 hours a week (it's closer to 8). Now Yeah, okay I'd like to see her more but the time we spend together is quality time. I never use my phone when I'm with her and I always always always make it an effort to do something with my daughter (she's only 2). Last week we went to the petting zoo. Week before I took her to some water fountains so we both could run through in the heat and then played in the park. This week i want to start working on swimming with her. Our time spent is filled with hugs and laughter and I give her 100% of my attention.My ex doesn't see this. She jist sees me take her and bring her back for 6pm and hang for 30mins (sometimes bath her). But she is fixated on the amount of time I spend with her.At first I was not taking this into account because I believe it's the quality of time spent rather than the quantity. I'm in her life. She can come to me whenever. We have a good time and when she's older, and I have a place with 2 rooms, she can stay with me. But now I'm getting messages from her friends saying Yeah, I am a deadbeat dad. They have seen people who don't want anything to do with their Kids be more involved with their kid. And it's starting to get to me.What more can I do? Am I really a deadbeat? Is she just trying to hurt me? In the messages she kept going on about how my daughter has so much fun with her friends and wants to speak to them on the phone and such. I know those words were her trying to hurt me but....Am I a deadbeat dad....In terms of parenting, there are a lot of bad things (not insanely bad) I can say about her that I keep pent up because it's of no benefit to me to go sprouting this. I'm not spiteful. If I want to go for joint custody, I could but I see no use as she doesn't stop me from seeing her and I'm not in the best position to accommodate her without a room for her (or am I???).Please be brutal with me if I need it!!! via /r/Parenting

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