Saturday, 1 October 2016

HELP! 3 Year Old Is Refusing Extracurricular Classes!

Hi there everyone!First time posting..Looking for any advice-Backstory: My 3 year old (as of this summer) LOVED to swim and dance as a baby, absolutely loved it. Had her enrolled in both activities for the past 2 years and she couldn't get enough. Now that she's 3, we decided to continue along this path and advance her in both. We placed her in swimming class and dance class with an instructor and other children meaning lots of 1 on 1 time and no parents. For the first few classes, she excelled. Spoke about both classes, couldn't wait to return, etc.2nd class in for both activities, meltdown city.....Figured it was just jitters so sat her down and had a quick talk with her about what the problems were. No problems she said, just wasn't interested that day, fair enough.3rd class rolls around, same deal, crying, kicking, screaming..Up until now we thought everything was just fine, this came out of nowhere.We have pulled her out of swimming now as she shakes and acts terrified when around water (again, no traumatic events, this came out of nowhere) and dance class is looking like the same.Is there anyone going through something similar who can offer any advice? Even if this situation only rings a tad true, please feel free to leave a comment.Very unsure of where to go from here, obviously classes aren't the way ahead and i'm not sure how to curb this sudden fear of attending alone.Thanks very much in advance!TL;DR - daughter is 3, LOVED swimming and dance, now hates them and throws temper tantrums when we try and take her. Help?! via /r/Parenting

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