Tuesday, 1 October 2019

My daughter has escalated the lying to stealing. Please help.

My son and I share a birthday. Of course he gets all the attention- as it should be. So from my parents and in laws I got cash for new dress shoes as I was an afterthought.A day or two ago I noticed some of it missing - $150 if the $300. We looked around and couldn’t find it. It was fairly open - I’m trusting - and I realized one of the kids from the bday party could have taken it. I was chalking it up as a learning experience.My wife to “be certain” asked both kids point blank today. Both denied it.....then we get a call from the school asking if we really have my daughter $150 in $50’s for the school book fair. So she both stole it and lied to us. She’ll be 8 in Nov.And honestly, she lies pretty often as it is.Any advice how to handle this? This behaviour needs to stop, but I’m worried that if we come down super hard on her she’ll grow up with a “they don’t trust me anyways, I may as well” attitude. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2ofAA7c

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