Tuesday, 1 October 2019

I have come to believe that my eldest son(16M) is being targeted by anti-Semitic hate in school.

So, the whole story started last Friday when my son and his girlfriend(also Jewish) walked into our home after school at around 5pm. My son had a black fucking eye. Immediately after seeing that, I asked him why his eye is black. He told me that he accidentally hit his eye while quickly going to itch his head. His girlfriend was looking down at the ground, and she looked super guilty, as if he told her not to tell me what happened. I knew that was complete BS. But, he got a little aggressive when I said that story doesn’t add up. But, I let it pass. The weekend was normal. His girlfriend came over with her family and we all celebrated rosh hashanah together. Fast forward to yesterday, about 30 minutes before we leave to go to school, he told his mom, my wife, that he was “sick”. My wife has mommy super powers, and didn’t give in. She asked him why he was trying to skip school, and he admitted to not being sick and said he was really tired and didn’t do homework last night. He does great in school, is a good boy at home, and hasn’t skipped school in years, so, we said sure. I actually didn’t know how to call in a sick day, so that was a learning experience.Alright, so here is when stuff started making sense to me. When I came home with our two twin other kids form elementary school, while walking past his room to the bathroom, I heard him crying. I have literally never heard him cry since he was really little. At this point, I really couldn’t just ignore it anymore. So, I knocked on his door and opened it up seeing him and his girlfriend hugging while he is literally balling his eyes out. His girlfriend immediately told me that he’s being picked on in one of his classes. After talking for around 10 minutes with both of them, he agreed to talk to the school about it, and insisted that I stay out of it and let him handle it. I shrugged and agreed. I told him and his girlfriend that if they ignore it, it’s all going to get worse. And that I want to help both of them. His girlfriend promised me that if he doesn’t, she will. Well, now it’s today. I walked into my sons room to pick up his dirty laundry for him because I had time, and realized he left his Star of David necklace at home today, he wears it everywhere since his Oma(grandmother) gave it to him when he was 9.Honestly, I don’t trust that my son will own up to being targeted and tell the school. I don’t know what my actions should be when he comes home, how do I prove that he’s talked to the school while still respecting “not getting involved”. This hurts me so much to see my own son getting picked on. Although he hides it, he’s a sweet little guy and isn’t that tough. My wife wants to call immediately. I don’t know what I want to do. We decided to wait until after school. Any advice would be welcomed.Thanks for listening. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2oW7WZb

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