I try really hard to be considerate of others. I park in the middle of the lines, I watch for pedestrians, I make an effort to keep things accessible and honest. I alert others when there’s a problem, whether it’s a spill on the floor or a road sign with a loose bolt. I vote. If I ever get called for jury duty, I’ll be happy to serve. I feel like this is part of what students should learn in civics, honestly.I want my kid to look at things that way, too. I strongly believe that “takes a village” not just to raise a child but also to live a happy and fulfilled life. I feel like it’s our responsibility as humans to look out for each other, and not just ourselves. I don’t believe in “I got mine, so F you.” I want him to call the non-emergency line when he sees a stoplight out. I want him to pay it forward, be mindful of how his actions affect others, and to foster community.He’s only 1.5, so we are still working on not hitting, but I want to model these things and talk to him about them.How have you taught your children civic duty? via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2NKet0k
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