Sunday, 1 July 2018

Should I let my daughter dye her hair?

So my wife and I both have unusual hair styles. My wife has an undercut (the underside of her hair is shaved and the top is really long) and I have the top of my hair dyed bright red.Naturally, my four year old daughter wants to be like mom and dad and have “cool hair”.We live in Portland, OR where this type of this is really common. I work a white collar job and lots of the people in my office have dyed hair or other non-traditional hairstyles. It’s really common to see parents with unusual hair colors and styles here, so it’s understandable that my daughter wants to do the same thing that other people are doing.Personally, I don’t have much of an issue with my daughter dying her hair, but I wanted some general input and other people’s thoughts.Does it make me a bad parent to let my 4 year old dye her hair? via /r/Parenting

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