Saturday, 30 June 2018

Husband wants to try for baby #2 and I am scared

Back story: our first child is biologically my ex husband’s and we all three co parent efficiently and effectively. Ben was ahem a surprise, so there was no planning or “trying,” just a lot of oh shit oh shit oh shit after we found out.Now, my new husband wants to try again for another baby. Something that I desperately want. But tonight when discussing specifics, as to when to quit birth control so that we could start trying (at the end of this year), I became INCREDIBLY nervous and pretty much freaked out.This is very unlike me, as I have felt my clock ticking for awhile now... but I have never had this type of loving relationship or support before.Any personal experience? How did you cope/handle? What are some ways I can let my husband know how I am feeling without coming off that I don’t want another baby? via /r/Parenting

Thoughts on children watching kissing/slightly intimate romantic scenes in movies

Hello, I’m not a parent but this is something I’ve been thinking about a lot recently and i’m interested in hearing some opinions about it. I have a 7 year old cousin (the baby of the family) and I’ve noticed that whenever we’re all watching a movie together her mom and/or our grandparents will freak out whenever a kissing scene comes up and tell her to look away. I even remember my aunt (the 7 yo’s mom) doing this same thing to me when I was around that age. We were watching a movie in theaters and she angrily hissed at me to cover my eyes when a kissing scene came on.I just feel like this is such a dramatic and unnecessary reaction. I’m worried that it’s giving her the impression that there’s something wrong with showing romantic affection and will set her up for shameful feelings about sex in the future. Obviously I understand she shouldn’t be mimicking such behavior at her age but I don’t understand why the adults in the situation don’t just make sure she knows those things are only for adults. I also understand why they don’t want her seeing more intense scenes, such as pg-13 type depictions of sex, but I still feel like they should handle it in a more subtle(mature?? can’t really think of what word I want to use here) way instead of reacting as if it’s the worse possible thing she could see. I also dislike how they react that way to sexually charged scenes but I’ve never seen any objection to her watching scenes full of violence, which is worse in my opinion.How do you all handle your children seeing pg-13 depictions of romance and intimacy? Do you think my family’s reactions are appropriate? Am I overthinking when I worry about how this will negatively affect her feelings towards intimacy in the future? Thanks in advance for any responses! via /r/Parenting

My 18 yo daughter is drunk and posting to snapchat...

She's at her friend's graduation party. I knew she was planning to drink, but what I just saw was drunk, trashed, etc. I texted and asked how she was doing. Should I do anything else? via /r/Parenting

Weekly - Ask parents everything - June 19, 2018

This bi-weekly thread is meant as a place for non-parents and parents to ask questions to the community.Note - Remember that all questions and responses must adhere to our community rules.For daily questions see /r/Askparents via /r/Parenting

Teen Sons Embarrassing Me At Games

My teen sons play summer basketball and while they’re athletically very talented, they can be hotheaded and have often embarrassed me at games by letting opposing players get to them in various ways and either getting yelled at by opposing team couches, occasionally getting techs, instigating things (shoving, cussing at opposing players, clapping in face). It’s more the younger teen, but both have had issues. Let me make it clear that these boys have been raised with very clear and rigid expectations of respect, especially for adults but in general. I’m not one of those parents that jumps up to defend my kid regardless of the scenario - when they’re wrong I’m the first to call them on it and we institute and carry out consequences.Although I was a single mom in their younger years (divorced from their father - no contact, bad situation), I am remarried and have been with their stepfather for 7 yrs now, and we have a stable and loving home.When they lose control in these games, even if there may be mitigating factors (refs letting too many fouls go uncalled, aggressive coaches, etc), I firmly believe they must be mentally tough enough not to fall into the trap of instigating aggression and disrespect. At the worst, my older son told an opposing coach to eff off today after a game, when he perceived he was encouraging his players to roughly foul him (thought he had a black eye). I pulled him outside immediately and read him the riot act. I asked his coaches to bench him for the next game, with a possible suspension. He apologized to the coach, and we spoke with the coach as well who was very gracious. We also spoke with his coaches and had him apologize. We have discussed with them at length the fact that they’re lessening themselves, letting team down, disrespecting and hurting team, playing right into other teams strategy of ‘getting into their heads’, etc. They may go several games without an issue but as I’m a very anxious person in general and deeply embarrassed by their conduct, it’s becoming so hard for me sit through their games watching their every move hoping they’re not getting overly agitated, unsure how they’ll handle it. I worry about what other parents think of me/them, and that my boys will be perceived as the troublemakers (in spite of this, they’re not bad kids).We have discussed issues with coaches etc, but the reason I’m here is because I want to hear from others who may have had or having similar experiences, or perhaps went through this themselves as a teen. I worry about what it could mean for them as adults.FYI - the younger teen is in therapy to improve his coping skills, with diagnosis of possible ODD or ADHD, not sure yet. He’s had behavioral issues in school (not typically fighting but oppositional with some teachers) but is usually very well behaved and respectful at home. The older teen is in high school with no behavioral issues and does well on his school team. He used to be somewhat oppositional in school also but matured when he hit high school a couple years ago. Planning to get him into therapy soon as well to address these issues I’m referring to.Please share your experiences and advice. via /r/Parenting

How to deal with a sore loser?

For years now, my son has been been a sore loser. When he was 3, I figured it was a phase that he would grow out of. I talked to him about it, gave encouragement, and made sure to always set a positive example when I was the one losing. This "phase" has lasted 4 years, and it's just getting worse.Trying to do ANYTHING with my kid is just so god damn miserable. Want to try something new? Video game? Board game? Card game? Sports? Build something? A game of tag or hide & and seek? Any fun activity at all? Playing with the family or with other kids? He better win, and not only that, he better win EXACTLY how he wants to. I can't even LET him win sometimes. Move a checker so that he can double jump and king himself? "THAT'S NOT FAIR I WANTED TO JUMP THAT PIECE YOU'RE MEAN YOU'RE A CHEATER I HATE THIS GAME!" He's always so friendly and well-behaved in just about anything else, but the second there's potential for a "winner and loser", you're in for a nightmare.These days, it feels like I'm just walking on eggshells in order to make sure we don't do anything where you can "lose", but this feels like avoiding the problem rather than solving it... And it's something that REALLY needs to be solved. It's killed his relationship with many of his friends, and I feel like it's hurting our relationship as well. Does anyone have experience with this? What can I be doing better, or what new things can I try? via /r/Parenting

Is my angry son normal?

My son is almost 5. I’ll get right in to it. He’s disrespectful and mean and angry. I don’t know how normal his defiance is. He doesn’t care about consequences. Today he came home from staying overnight at his grandmas and screamed at me the whole ride home because he had to leave. For half an hour. He talked about how he doesn’t like me, doesn’t want to live with me and so on. Ok fine. I just ignore it. We get home and he wants lunch before a nap. He keeps telling me he wishes he wasn’t home and that he’s going to be mean to our dogs because he has to nap. I put him in time out to calm down. He slams things against the door almost breaking it. We tell him to calm down, he can hit pillows. He does it again. We take his favorite toy away for the day. He comes out and smiles as he hits us and tells us he hates us and wishes we weren’t his parents. He eats lunch and after is ok. Gets in to bed for a much needed nap and starts AGAIN about how he doesn’t like us or being home. Ok we tell him you still have to nap. Still calm on our part. He then gets up and starts hitting us and throwing things at us. He doesn’t want to nap or be home. We physically have to keep putting him in bed. We have to ask him to calm down for over an hour as he hits us and tells us he hates us. Is this normal? What do we do? He will not listen to a thing we say. He’s awful at home and in public. He calls me a bitch when he’s mad. (Just a side note that his dad does not call me a bitch and never had). He loses toys, and has time outs but he will still say it. He has no respect at home or in public. He doesn’t respect or follow rules at home or when we have family events. What am I doing wrong? Is this normal for his age? When does it end? I’m miserable via /r/Parenting

I think I regret having children.

I had always wanted a baby of my own. As a boy, I would ask my mom to give me a baby sister. When I finally learned how it worked, I looked forward to the day I would have my own baby.When my wife and I decided to try for a child, I was excited. When our first child was born, I cried when the nurse put him in my arms. I loved that child with every inch of my being. We had our second child about 3 years later and it was the same feeling. I enjoyed watching our oldest read and share with his sibling. They played and sang and were sweet and cute and...And then it started...I always that they would grow up. I knew there would be difficult days... Difficult months... But years? I don't want to run down my kids but it's a constant battle over practically everything. If they aren't fighting with us, they're fighting with themselves. Soon I fear it will start with others. Again, I wasn't expecting a picnic but the resistance to support and direction frustrates me. They don't want to problem solve. They rarely want to compromise or listen to reason. I know they are kids but I can honestly say without a doubt that I did NOT say or do a tenth of what these two have said and done at their ages in comparison to my entire time living with my parents. They just make poor choice after poor choice and no amount of patience or support or conversation or time outs or etc.So... Today has been rough... And I'm really starting to believe that my ever-increasing feeling of regret is real... and here to stay. It doesn't help being a teacher. You'd assume that I would have better control of my kids but I don't. I'm surrounded by children ALL the time from sunrise to sunset and it's beginning to take its toll on my spirit.I hope and pray that this is a phase like many people tell me; that it will pass and things will get better. I've been watching old videos of them as babies to remind me who they use to be... and I think it's helping me remember that they're still babies at heart... But I'm tired and broken and this feeling of regret is not good for the long run.Just a sad rant. Thanks for reading. via /r/Parenting

One is mine, one isn’t. Can and should I still raise both?

By way of introduction, I am a 34 year old single father. The mother of my child (25) decided a month after giving birth to my son that she didn’t have feelings for me anymore and called it quits. Our son is now three and a half months old.She has a two year old from a one-night stand that I am ridiculously attached to and consider to be my own as well. To this day, she still calls me the father of BOTH of her children. For the first month of our breakup, I would only have my son. But, for the last month, she has asked me to take both kids on the weekends, saying I’m no uncertain terms that it breaks her heart when I come and split the boys up for the weekend As you can probably guess, her guilt trip worked and I have since obliged for the past month, but not without reservation.My question for the masses is, am I doing the right thing here? I absolutely want to be in the older child’s life and love him like my own, unconditionally. And it goes without saying that my own son is my whole entire world, just as his brother is. According to his mother, he older child goes on and on asking about when I am coming back to get him almost as soon as I bring him back on Sundays.The relationship with his mother is another issue entirely; however, I am greatly concerned that I am being used as a babysitter. Especially since she’s made it clear that she doesn’t feel the same way for me as I do for her. I want nothing more than to be a family and make this has other ideas, and I am honestly very hurt that she up and left me a month after our son was born. I firmly blame postpartum depression, but that is an issue for another subreddit.But, back to the child that isn’t mine. Am I dong the right thing here? Or am I getting taken for yet another ride? I’ve had this conversation with myself and I am finding myself wavering between calling myself selfish for not putting a helpless childish first and calling myself stupid for being played for a fool.Your input is appreciated. via /r/Parenting

Do you think parents should confer alone and discuss controversial issues before speaking with the kids?

Basically, my husband blew up at me in front of our teenage son and said he thought I was the problem regarding issues with our son. Now, I'm completely willing to believe this might be the case (my whole family growing up was severely dysfunctional, and I think I'm parenting from an anxiety standpoint where I'm not seeing things as they really are). At the same time, I think maybe he should have spoken to me about this without our son present, because now I have probably zero authority in his eyes regarding anything. Opinions?? via /r/Parenting

[Vent] The scariest thing can happen as a parent

My sweet little daughter is about to be 2 in September. With her mother and my work schedules we never had to get a daycare or babysitter but for a couple hours one day a week and my mother was wonderful in helping us out but now that im changing jobs a daycare is necessary. She just got done with her first week this friday and she was an angel and everyone loves her but friday was a bad day and apparently she cried all day. Well today we woke up to a baby that was burning up. The thermometer said her fever was around 100° we gave her tylenol and all the snuggles she wanted but her fever just wouldnt go away.A couple hours ago while all 3 of us were watching a movie she started shaking and became unresponsive, her mother and i were terrified. I knew she was having a seizure and it didnt last super long but we couldnt get her to look at us or move. We hurried to the car and drove to the hospital, frankly quite recklessly and didnt have the mind or time to move her car seat. In retrospect i felt awful about it but when i saw her lips going blue i just didnt give a shit.She gained her composure once we got to the ER and they checked everything. Turns out she got hand, foot, mouth. My guess is a few of the children at the daycare probably have it too. Going forward i think were going to take fevers very seriously and maybe always have ibuprofen since tylenol did next to nothing. Maybe this post can gelp some parents in the future too, i thought a seizure from a fever could never happen to my daughter. Theyre more succeptible til about 5 years old.Dont worry though, i went back home for the car seat after everything calmed down. via /r/Parenting

UPDATE: M 13 y/o is upset with me for being pregnant, her friend submitted pictures of my husband to a "hot guys" instagram page, and we got into an argument with her friend's parents

Well this is going to be a long and interesting update. We talked to her about my pregnancy, and turns out part of the reason she was so angry was the way some of her friends talked about my husband. But the the innocent crushes they had on him were actually a bigger deal than we thought, and we ended up in arguments with one of the girls parents.Here is a link to my original post, for the background on this.About her reaction to my pregnancy: Last night after we put our younger 2 to bed, our 13 year old went to her room, and shut her door. Around 9:30, while we were binge watching Netflix, she came out and sat between us, we talked about what we needed to do the next day. She said said she didn't want to go, she wanted to stay home with us. I asked her if she wanted to go, but have her dad take her around instead of me, and she said no, looked at him and said "No, I'm kinda of annoyed with you too, I know mom didn't get herself pregnant". So we told her we respect her decision to not go to gymnastics practice, and she can stay home, but her sisters still needed to go to their activities. She gave me the saddest look and started crying, and said she really wanted us to herself, we told her we can, I texted some friends and made arrangements for the girls to go with them tomorrow. She didn't want to talk with us then, but we let her stay up with us, she fell asleep on her dad (which hasn't happened in years), then he carried her to her bedThis morning after I got our 2 youngest ready and out the door, I surprised her with her favorite breakfast, and when she was done, we sat her down and asked her how she was feeling. She started crying and said everything is going to change and that "dad is always gone, he's always busy, [youngest sister] is always with him, I'm never going to see him now". So he gave her a big hug, told her he loved her, and that he's going to spend more time with her. I reminded her I'll be a SAHM in less than 2 weeks, so she'll have more of my attention too, but she said we already spend more time together. She's also worried I won't be able to always go to competitions and games with her if I'm on bed rest like I was with my last 2 pregnancies, and when the baby gets here, I'll have to stay home with it until he/she is older. I told her if I'm on bed rest, I'm really sorry, and I'm going to try my best to come to all her games/competitions. We also discussed how I'm going to be the mom, and I don't expect her to change diapers, feed the baby, get up with him/her, etc. because it's my job, not hers. She said sometimes she's okay with doing it, and I told her thank you, but she should never feel obligated to do it. She's also worried that we won't be able to afford sports or gymnastics anymore, and we reassured her that we had the money.Lastly, she said the worst part is it embarrasses her that it's now obvious that my husband and I are intimate with each other, and she said now her friends will know too, and some of them are going to say sexual stuff about him. She's also grossed out thinking about the baby because she knows how they're made and she doesn't want to think about that. Then she asked me to find her someone to talk to again, and we told her we love her and we're so proud of her for opening up about this, so we decided to give her her phone back a day early. We also promised her this is going to be the last baby, and and she was very relieved to hear that, but asked him to get snipped, which we already have plans for.About her friend's crushes on her dad/violence towards them: My husband asked her about how she felt about her friends liking him, and she said it was genuinely funny at first because hes "old and [she doesn't] understand what they see in him", but over the past few months, it's gotten more crude, and recently a few of them have said pretty graphic things, but she didn't want to tell me at the time because she was worried I'd be jealous. However, she was angry about the baby, so when they were talking about guys they like and some of her friends started talking about my husband again, it made her really mad. Then when her best friend went to go say hi when he was picking up the girls, she just wanted to stop her from getting near her dad. I told her I appreciate that she was worried about me, but I'm not jealous of them, and I love that she loves and cares about her dad so much. But it's not okay to put your hands on another person, especially in anger. She agreed, and said she was just feeling really overwhelmed.So I asked her about the incident the next day, and she said her and her friends were talking about guys from school and sexual things they'd like with them, but one not close friend mentioned my husband, and how she thinks his arms and quarter sleeve tattoos are hot and wants to touch them. Another girl agreed, then said something sexual she'd like to do to him. She started glaring at the girl, so she asked her if she was okay, and in return, she jumped up, pushed her over, and started yelling at her. She said she knew it was wrong, but she was mad they would talk about her dad that way. I agreed with her, but told her that they really shouldn't talk about any guy like that, even the boys at school, and explained to her what sexual objectification is. But I remember what it was like being a teenage girl, so I'd like her to just tone the conversations about it down a bit when they do talk about it. She said she'll work it on and try to change the subject if they start talking about it, and we thanked her.I had 4 sets of parents call me about my daughter pushing her friend over at day camp, 2 just wanted phone calls, so we asked her to go to her room, and we called them. One set apologized profusely, and said they had a talk with their daughter about boundaries, and how inappropriate it is to talk about him, or any guy, that way, but especially your friend's married dad. Their daughter even asked to talk to our daughter, and she apologized.The other phone call was insane. They also had the same talk with their daughter, but they went through her phone and social media.... and she's in a lot of trouble. Why? Turns out she has a few pictures of guys she likes from school on her phone, but she has dozens of pictures of my husband that she took: some in his uniform while he was at the middle school with our daughter, shirtless cutting our grass, in the pool with our younger 2 girls, cooking in the kitchen, cleaning the pool, me and him from behind with his arm around me, etc. She also submitted some of them and some pictures from his Instagram/Facebook to an Instagram page that has over 250,000 followers about hot guys. They sent me the link to it, and yep, it's a picture she took of him shirtless in our backyard standing next to the pool, a video he put on Instagram of him working out, a shirtless selfie he took after working out, and a picture of me and him at the beach, but he's wearing a speedo (she blurred out my face, but the rest of the picture was cut off, it shows other Marines he works with all wearing them to annoy their Gunnery Sergeant, it was a joke), and it had thousands of likes and comments. Some people just commented how hot he is, others were really sexual, and a few were terrible comments about my body. So I messaged whoever runs the page they quickly responded and deleted it the post. This honestly pissed both of us off, we understand the girl is 15, but we felt violated. Because of all this, her parents agreed she shouldn't come over at all for now, but said we didn't do anything wrong, and they don't want to to ruin the girl's friendship, so they can still see each other at gymnastics, hang out away from our house, and school this fall. We told our daughter, and she said she was done with her, and although we didn't show her the post or pictures she took, she was really grossed out by the idea of it, and said she didn't want to hang out with someone who would do that to her dad and I. So now gymnastic practice is going to be a little awkward, but she said she can handle it.The other 2 sets of parents came over, and we're friendly with one set, and have an interesting history with the wife of the other one (they lived across the street from us on base, and she would sit on the porch and watch my husband cut the grass, asked for help moving heavy boxes while her husband was gone, then answers the door wearing a bikini, along with a history of sexual comments about him). The friendly ones had no idea my husband our daughter's biological father, he does look younger, like he's in his early 20s, so they assumed he was her step dad, not that it makes the situation much better, but they now definitely understand why she was so upset. They brought over a case a beer for my husband and brownies for me and apologized, and said they had a talk with their daughter about it.The other set of parents flipped out. They blamed us, the wife called my husband a "Scandinavian predator" (he's half Norwegian, I'm not sure if she knew that, but I'm guessing it was a reference to him being 6'2" with blue eyes) and said he must have been asking for everything, because he sometimes goes running without a shirt and he walks around without a shirt on outside a lot, and he was tempting the girls by wearing shirts that show off his muscles (He doesn't show them off, that's just how shirts fit when you're muscular). He was surprisingly calm during this, because he knows she's a little crazy, but then her husband got into his face, and started cussing and said he got me pregnant when I was 15, so he must have a thing for teenage girls. Never mind the fact that he was also 15 at the time, he was kid too. So my husband started yelling back, the husband from the first set of parents stepped in between them and pushed them apart and threatened to call the cops of the crazy couple, and said the should probably leave. They yelled some more while walking out saying they're going to tell everyone and left. The couple we're friendly with said they know he's not a predator, and the wife is also a Marine and knows some of my husband's female coworkers- apparently even they were talking about him when we first PCS'd here, and said she see's the look in their eyes when they talk about him, so if grown women are going to react that way, than to quote her "Look at you! Of course hormonal teenage girls are going want a piece of that", haha. Thankfully, most people here know that the crazy woman is obsessed with drama, so they're not going to believe a word that comes out of her mouth.Once everyone left, my husband went upstairs to apologize for the yelling, and said everyone was gone, so they could spend some time together. He then let her decide what she wanted to do, and she decided she wanted to go get Sweet Frog and then go see Incredibles 2. While getting ready, she asked when we were going to tell her sisters that I'm pregnant, and we told her she could help decide when and how we tell them- she got excited about that. They're at the movies right now, but he sent me pictures of her smiling and laughing while eating frozen yogurt, and I'm happy she's smiling again. I really appreciate the advice everyone gave me in my last post, it was very helpful. I feel like I'm getting my sweet girl back. :)TL/DR: We sat our daughter down and had a really good talk with her. She opened up a lot, said it grosses her out that I'm pregnant, and she's worried about change, and she's worried her dad won't be able to spend as much time with her. We talked through her feelings, but we still have some work to do, so I'm making her an appointment with a counselor on Monday. Regarding our daughter's friend's crushes on her dad, it took an unexpected turn, turns out one of the was a tad bit obsessed with him, she posted pictures of him online,and our daughter decided not to be friends with her anymore. We also got into an argument with one of the girl's parents. My husband and daughter are at the movie's right now, and she seems a lot happier. via /r/Parenting

My [22F] 9 year old nephew caught looking at hardcore porn

I am 22 years old and my nephew is practically raised by the TV and his phone. He lives between two homes (my parents house which my brother lives at and his moms house). No one really watches him and I noticed he’s starting to get an attitude where he thinks he’s cool and mature and know it all. My brother is mover and is mostly gone all day. My dad works full time, and my mom just does her own thing. I am working full time during the summers, and during the school year I’m away at college so I can’t really watch him. My nephew just really plays Fortnite, Call of Duty, Dying Light, and watches YouTube videos when he’s here(I have no idea what he does at his moms). He’s on the playstation so much and no one really supervises what he’s doing. One day I was playing a game and messages kept popping up from my nephews account. I was annoyed and clicked on his messages to try to turn off notifications. When I looked at his messages I found pictures of boobs sent to him. I decided to scroll through this message and look at others and found him sending screenshots of porn, talking about prostitutes, and sex. He was also swearing a lot and talking about his balls. One thing that was really disturbing was that he was in a “orgy” chat that had really graphic pornographic pictures (like pictures of gaping buttholes full of “fluids”). One by one I reported the users, deleted his friends that I found inappropriate stuff on, and deleted those messages. I changed the password on the internet and banned him from using it for a week. I don’t really know what to do. I told my brother about it and he just laughed while he said that he’s going to see it anyway. It’s one thing saying he might stumble on it, but actively looking for it at such a young age worries me. I can’t set up parental controls either because I need my brothers password. I’m tempted to get rid of internet access on the PlayStation... I just don’t know how to make this a teaching moment for my nephew. I don’t know how to get him to understand why it’s wrong for him to talk about adult stuff at such a young age. I tried talking to him and he just gave me an attitude and said “he knows why he shouldn’t be looking at that.” I’m not really sure what to do. Does anyone have any advice?TLDR: Nephew was actively engaging in “adult” chats on the PlayStation. Banned him from using the internet for now and deleted all the inappropriate content. Not sure how to make it a teaching lesson for him. via /r/Parenting

Who gets a break?

My son is coming up to 9 months old. He has slept out once in his life.Tonight was going to be the second time he has ever stayed out, effectively giving us a break. It was meant to be last weekend but we were all poorly so we cancelled.Got a call from my mother basically saying she is bringing him home. He won’t settle. I’m so fed up.I just want my life back for one night. Am I selfish for feeling this way? Who else is in this boat? via /r/Parenting

Reassure me I'll survive my 2 week old newborn

Ugh, baby #2. My first was a screamy colicky no sleeping beast. I prayed to the gods I'd get an easier baby this time. So far newbie seems a bit more content, but we also haven't gotten into the thick of colic. He definitely doesn't sleep.I just hate this phase so much, and I feel terrible about it. I guess it's PPD, and yes I have talked with my doc. But I don't feel depressed, really, I just really don't like this part. And to be honest, I don't see how anyone could really?? Is this as hard for everyone else as it is for me? I feel like such a basket case.The 24/7 nursing, not knowing if he's cluster feeding, hungry, or just tired and needing comfort. My weird milk boobs and huge nips. Trying to fit pumping in to build a stash. Doing the rain dance for one single nap that's not on me so I can shower. Nights are absolute misery. He gives me one 2-3hr stretch in the beginning, then it's colicky, gassy, screamy, squirmy, grunty on and off nursing, sleeping on my chest, delirium for the rest of the night. I'd give anything to have a baby that just wakes up to eat every two hours and goes back down.My husband is supportive and helps, but he works and then he's busy with our 2.5yo boy. He relieves me for 2-3hrs each night so I can get some sleep.I don't even know where I'm going with this. I'm so tired and feeling sorry for myself. At least this time I know it gets better. But these first few months are so damn hard.Any positive juju or reassurance would be much appreciated... via /r/Parenting

Parenting style clashes with in laws. Help?

I have a 4 year old daughter. I also have a 4 year old niece. I feel like my and my husband’s parenting style clashes with my niece’s parents parenting style and I’m at my ropes end.In my house, we have a zero tolerance policy for hitting, name calling, or being mean in general. If my daughter hits her younger brother, I pull her aside and, in my best stern mom voice, tell her hitting is not nice. We do not hit. How would you feel if your brother hit you? The answer is always, “I wouldn’t like that at all.” Therefore, we hammer in the “you treat others the way you want to be treated.” It works wonderfully at home. If a mistake happens, we pull her aside, have a talk, she apologizes, and is usually good the rest of the day.My in laws don’t apply this core principle. My niece often hits my daughter, calls her names, and generally is mean to her. The parents will yell at her to stop. When she doesn’t stop, they roll their eyes and have that defeated “I tried” expression.Therefore, since my niece gets away with such behavior, my daughter tries to get away with the behavior as well. She will hit back and call names. She gets in trouble while my niece will often say “nah nah nah nah nah” to my daughter as though mocking that only one of them got away with the behavior. What’s worse, is other in laws will often say to me, “they’re just 4, they don’t understand. Don’t be so strict.”I don’t think there’s anything wrong with teaching a 4 year old that hitting, teasing, name calling are unacceptable behaviors. I’ve had complete strangers compliment me at how polite my daughter is as we instill nice behavior and polite behavior. Therefore, I don’t think we are doing anything wrong. My husband agrees with this parenting approach. He too often gets annoyed with his niece’s parents lack of parenting in these situations. He doesn’t want to say anything to his family to cause problems or issues. I feel like I can’t either because they’re my in laws.What do I do? I can’t avoid family functions as we are a very close family with many family events. I don’t want to not punish my daughter for these behaviors but feel like I’m being unfairly strict when my niece gets away with these mean behaviors. Any advice would be very helpful. Thank you. via /r/Parenting

10 year old neighbor boy macking on my 5 and 4 year old daughters

So the neighbors moved in. No big D. They have a ton of little kids coming and going. No big D.Little 10 year old boy tells our 5 year old girl that he wants to kiss her, but not the 4 year old. No, the 4 year old he would rather watch swim. Red flags all up and down.My spouse, the girls' father, is outside hanging up lights yesterday. The 10 year old boy comes up to the fence to show our daughter something on his phone, but once he sees father standing nearby, he changes his mind and goes back inside. Neon crimson flashing scary "This kid knew he was about to do something wrong" flags all over the place.So we've felt the need to tell our girls that they are too young to be kissing other kids, they can kiss each other and family because we're family, but making out with neighbor boys at AGE FIVE is not in the cards for them. Blessedly, they are oblivious, but how can we address this before it gets out of hand, and we have to do something we'll regret, like tell the kid to back off, or tell his dad to control his son?Um, what the hell? How do we appropriately and inoffensively tell this kid that he needs to stop flirting with our toddler? She has long legs and looks like she could be 7 or 8, but we've made it very obvious that she's still a SMALL child. What do we do, as parents? via /r/Parenting

My 28 year old son is going to be a failure, it hurts.

I am a single father of three kids (ex wife moved to england), my first daughter is 32, is married and works as a receptionist at a veterinary clinic, my second daughter is a stay at home mom, my third child, Daniel is 28 and the world is simply too much for him. I have been reading through threads of people with similar issues, and I hope you kind people can give me your take.He currently works at an asian grocery part time, has been there for three years since he finished uni in with a bachelor of science he speaks korean and thai, so he gets on well there. He barely has enough money to pay rent, most of it goes towards his cooking, which is the only thing that perks him up (I highly doubt he makes enough to pay, so im not sure where the rest of it comes from). He has been consistently looking for a job in his field since he finished, has had a bunch of interviews, but nothing has panned out. Unfortunately he also had proof, a fight of ours got so bad he locked me in his room in retaliation, I accused him of making excuses for not having a better job, and refused to let me out until I had gone through a folder full of hundreds of resumes and cover letters and played out phone recordings from human resources for interviews. Everything ranging from janitor, to associate scientist. That was horrible, I had been ignoring him, and he had all the evidence to prove that he was trying his hardestHe doesn't have any friends, never had a boyfriend or girlfriend (bisexual). He only does four things, sleep, cook, go to work, go on his computer. Last weekend, he didnt have any shifts, he was asleep from 11pm on friday, to 8pm saturday, then went to bed a little before midnight, then woke up at 6ish the next day, went to bed a few hours after, then went to work monday morning. When i ask him why he sleeps so much he says "theres no reason to be awake". Which means that all he does on the computer is do these applications for jobs.At one point, last year, I kicked him out, for two months, just to let him get a taste for the real world. Now he has already had issues with sleep walking, but over at a place with housemates, he got night terrors, and was kicked out by the fourth week. So nobody is going to live with himThe oldest refuses to talk to him, describing him as a "black hole of misery". My second daughter sent me a screen text of his chat over FB a couple of days ago. ill type it outDaniel - Have you seen this whale exploding shit?amy - You mean when the gasses build up, someone pokes it and they blow up.Daniel - I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT THAT, ITS SO FUCKEDDaniel - oh also, evolve called, I got rejected from the fermentation job because of distanceamy - I thought they were in the CBD?daniel - yeah, in goddamn richmond, thats only 15 minutes away from the uniamy - have you figured out what youre gonna know...when dad passesdaniel - I'm screwedDaniel - I really amdaniel - The way i see it, ill either kill myself, or kill as many others as I can.amy - you cant be serious, dont be a fucking edgelorddaniel - look at my life and tell me you dont see it too.Every time I walk up to the laundry and see him sleeping at three pm, its like a stab to the gut. He barely talks, he doesnt want to see a therapist, he just shrugged and said "you cant bring the dead back to life" and refused to say anything else. I'm just at a loss, I wont be around forever, but I dont want to live to see the death of one of my kids. via /r/Parenting

The toy fairy

So my daughter's 5th birthday is coming up and just before her birthday and Christmas we have a tradition involving "the toy fairy".I originally tried to tell her we could donate the old toys but she's a bit selfish (cause ya know 4) and I don't feel comfortable sorting through her things without her there to make decisions on her belongings.So a couple years ago I made this up."The toy fairy is a magical fairy that takes all our broken and old toys that aren't wanted, she fixes them just like new for other kids and gives us new toys in their place, at Christmas, she takes all the toys to Santa so he can give the fixed toys to other boys and girls."So twice a year, we sort through toys and pull out the broken and discarded toys, place them in a storage tub for the "toy fairy" and after she goes to bed I sort out the broken ones (not many, she's actually quite careful with her toys). And hide them in the trash. The next time I go out I leave the tub at a donation center.She gets an extra toy on her birthday and Christmas from the "toy fairy" and I manage to cull the hoard twice a year and make just enough room to fit her presents into the toy box.Anyone do anything similar? via /r/Parenting

Confession: I'm jealous of your families

I'll probably get crucified for this, but screw it, I've never let these words out...My husband and I have one child. He is the love of my life and he's 5 years old. He has autism, completely non verbal, diagnosed moderately/severely autistic. More importantly, he's the most lovable, happy, silly, little boy, and I wouldn't change him for the world.With that said, there are times that I walk by families and see their children telling their Mom that they love them, or see posts on social media about all the amazing milestones their kiddos are achieving, and it destroys me a little inside. My son still is in diapers. I've never heard him say "Mama". He may live with us until we pass away. I worry about what happens after that. I don't care about his career or college degree, but I care that he may never be able to prepare himself a meal.I see posts from autistic adults saying how horrible parents of autistic children are to talk about their feelings like this. Isn't it normal for a parent to worry and feel sad?I know everything happens for a reason, but sometimes I wish our child wasn't born with this path. Every day is a fight for services, an IEP that is fair, proper health insurance reimbursements. It's never ending and it's exhausting. I'm exhausted. Thanks for reading this - if you got this far. via /r/Parenting

Friday, 29 June 2018

Why are other parents so critical?!

I’m going to lead this off by saying screw you to the guy who made me cry, and missing a teachable moment.I have Three year old twin boys, both who have Apraxia of speech. They finally got into a program with more access to more frequent speech therapy. They also are very sensitive to sensory stimulation. And despite what this outsider thought understand things very well.We’ve had a tough couple of days. We’ve had to stay in a hotel due to an issue with our fuse box, but we’re getting through. Obviously, we can’t cook a full meal here and decided to go out to eat. Where we live today was about 100 degrees. My kids are hot, tired, and out of their home.While we were eating our today we sat next to a table of a small family. One of my boys was VERY hot and just down right hungry. He was having none of it. Fighting, crying, trying to use the words he has down when this kid. This kid from the next table over says “oh my god what’s wrong with them? Was I ever like THAT?!” I’m already on the verge of tears because it’s been just a long day. And I had just taken a head to the lip while my son was shaking his head no about waiting. My other son when he heard probably the 10000th person say what’s wrong with him. His whole face just fell. And my heart just shattered.This kids dad proceeds to give a very loud speech about how if his kids acted that way he would never take them anywhere. And just go on and on and on while looking over in our direction.During all of this, I’ve been helping my kids get through as much of their meal as I can while trying to convince my husband to stay calm for their sake.I ended up leaving once the kids were fed and in tears, to try and eat in the car before having to fight getting the kids inside again.Please, if you’ve made it this far. Never be that guy.If anyone has any methods for seeing three year olds through tantrums like this, I’m taking advice.-exhausted mama. via /r/Parenting

Restaurant Scene

Okay maybe this isn't the right sub for this, but I need to get this off my chest. It's been bugging me for a week.My wife and I are in our early 60s. Our two sons are grown, out of the house and thankfully doing okay. I am not here to say I was the best dad ever. But I'm still pretty pissed off about something that happened last Saturday.If even one person reads this, please let me know your thoughts from my one-sided description about what went down.We got back from a long-overdue vacation, feeling pretty good about the week. Both of our sons spent time with us, and it might be the last time for a long time before the four of us get to take time off together again. But that has nothing to do with the story.After we got back and unloaded the car, Wife and I went out to dinner out our favorite tavern/restaurant. Literally 1/2 of the place is a bar, the other 1/2 is a dining room. We like the bar side.On Friday or Saturday nights, the bar side can get really loud. We don't really like that, but that's just how it is. We accept that.We sit at a high table at the back of the bar side.Family of four sitting at a low table literally right next to ours. Mom, Dad, two boys. Just like us 20 years ago.One look at the youngest boy, about 6yo, and anyone could tell he's having a hard time dealing with all the noise. He's rubbing his head, staring at his knees, he's obviously distraught. I get that some kids have sensory issues. Maybe that was the case, maybe not. It was just plain loud. I was having sensory issues.And that's when it started. The dad came down on this kid hard. Stern, low, threatening voice. I'm thinking "what the fuck?" I could barely hear the poor kid's whines above the bar noise. If anyone there was gonna be bothered by that poor kid, it would have been me and my wife. I felt bad that he was uncomfortable, and thought maybe his parents would consider that.Dad kept saying shit like "Okay, I've tried to give you a chance, and tried to help you out Blah Blah Blah..." I was getting really pissed, and unfortunately the dad caught me glaring at him - which I'm sure he blamed on his poor son. No dude, you're the one who's pissing me off right now.So their meals got delivered. After 10 minutes or so of trying to "logic" with younger son, Dad grabs him and drags him outside. Mom and older son finish their meals, pack up the uneaten food, and leave.Like I said, I will never claim that I was the best dad ever. But read the fucking room. Maybe that room just too much for a 6 year old kid. If angry dad-man had just taken his son outside for some fresh air, talked to the kid instead of at the kid, they could have come back in and enjoyed their not-inexpensive meals.Kids just get overwhelmed. It happens. When they're in that state, sternly expressing your best flawlessly-constructed argument about how they should behave better is just not the right tactic. Being the Dad, or being the Mom, means being on your kid's side. Quit fucking worrying about what a bunch of half drunk old farts in a bar think of you. We've seen it all before, and believe it or not none of us a perfect, either.Sorry, just had to get this off my chest. via /r/Parenting

Reaction to finding out baby needs glasses

We found out on Tuesday that one of our 10 month old twins needs glasses. She is very farsighted and has a pretty strong prescription to help her stop going cross eyed. That was what clued me in.My reaction was totally different from my husband.I was glad that the problem was discovered so early and relieved that it was just a matter of glasses. I was happy that there are so many cute and affordable glasses available for babies these days. I couldn't wait to get them so she can start to see the world clearly.My husband, on the other hand, is MAD. He is going back and forth between being in denial and being angry that her vision is so poor.Her glasses arrived today and he was NOT happy when he saw how strong the lenses are. The pediatric opthamologist is very well educated and well regarded, though.Maybe I am reacting wrong by not being upset but to me it's a small problem that has a simple solution. It is nothing to freak out over. I also think glasses can be very cute! The glasses I got for her are adorable and her reaction to them was so sweet. She was looking at everything so curiously. via /r/Parenting

42 year old rookie father of 3 week old. Some observations.....

1. How do people do this alone?Seriously my wife and I are tag teaming this and it has taken everything to stay coherent the first 3 weeks. I don't even remember if I fed our boy last night or changed him or both. (We're working on a better schedule so we're both not wiped out at the same time. It's getting better). Hats off to all the single parents out there. 2. I realize that I was playing Call of Duty on Xbox prior to this baby. Now I feel like I'm on the front lines of the Syrian war.Everything from being peed on to the baby wiggling\screaming and I can't get a snap on. Or I got the wrong snap crooked and have to start over while still wiggling\screaming. To the baby almost asleep in my arms but as soon as I put him in the crib he start crying. All the while it's 2:30am and I don't even know where I am. This is how I felt the first week :) 3. I'm thankful that I'm 42 and not 22 going through this.At 22 I would totally be a wreck right now. Sure I'd probably adjust eventually, but being older and wiser more patient is amazing. However, I'd love to have my 22 year old back for changing diapers and clothing ;) How I feel in the middle of the night 4. This has been the most challenging adjustment in my life but I love it.Each day is a new puzzle. A new challenge. Time spent with my son. Something I never had. My father left before I was born because my mom wouldn't get an abortion. Never met him. So I see this as an opportunity to provide for my boy something I missed out on. Praying over him in the middle of the night. Thanking God for the blessing he is as my wife and I were married 19 years before having him. These things keep me going and am able to be so grateful while this season of adjustment is happening.A buddy told me it would be tough at first and have challenges but is so worth it. He was right. FinallyThank you for this subreddit. I have been skimming over a lot of topics and there are some real gems I have tucked away and am currently using. All the best to each of you no matter where you may be in this parenting journey.Another piece of advice I heard which has stuck with me. "Just be there. Show up and be a part of your kids life. That will speak more to them than anything else you can do or provide. Be present"That's what my goal is. Even though the diapers are beginning to stink ;)Thanks for taking a few moments to read this and feel free to share anything here that you experienced or learned on this great adventure. Rookie dad out :P via /r/Parenting

When did parents start putting their children first?

While I was vacuuming the house I was having random thoughts. I was remembering when I was a child and we only had one air conditioner because back then they were really expensive. It was in our parents bedroom. It seemed pretty normal back then that if you're going to have one air conditioner it should go in the parents bedroom since they are the adults. I was born in 1979.I then fast forward to now. The only bedroom in our house with an air conditioner in it is the nursery. I think people would consider it extremely selfish and wrong if parents were to be the only ones with an air conditioner making their babies and children sleep in a hot room. We are expected to put our comfort last. I'm not complaining about it, believe me! I would put my comfort last and put my kids first but I'm wondering when that became a cultural phenomenon? When and why?We certainly could have more air conditioners because they aren't as expensive as they used to be but my husband hates them so that's why we don't have one in our bedroom. I just cope with being hot so my husband can be comfortable. 😂 via /r/Parenting

Parenting is hard

Being a mother is hard. Being a father is hard. Being a working parent is hard. Being a stay at home parent is hard. Single parenthood is hard, and co parenting is hard. Parenting while maintaining a marriage is hard. Having an only child is hard and having multiple children is hard. My point is it's all hard. Why does it seem we are all constantly competing to prove who has it hardest? Whether the conversation is working vs. staying at home, or breastfeeding vs. formula feeding, it seems everyone's making a case as for why what they're doing is harder. Just as the saying goes, comparison is the their of joy. via /r/Parenting

Being a working dad is hard

I'm a father of 3 (one from a previous marriage, two step children, and a fourth on the way). When my daughter was born I had to go back to work after two weeks because I don't get paid time off for paternity leave. For the first eight months of her life I was her primary care giver; up at night feeding her, changing her, putting her to sleep... I developed a deep bond with her.My wife then quit her job to stay at home with our daughter because she missed her too much. Who picked up the slack? Daddy did. I went from day shift five days a week to night shift seven days a week. I didn't love my daughter any less or want to be with her any less than my wife did, but one of us had to be willing to provide. In doing so I sacrificed an unreasonable amount of daddy-daughter time. I still work seven days a week, sometimes 10-12 hours a day. Then when I get home I need to be at the top of my game because I can't let my family see me stress.I just wanted to vent a little and say I for one appreciate all the working dads out there who often unwillingly sacrifice so much of their time with their kids. via /r/Parenting

Grandparents teaching kid to not like me?!

I’m not sure how to approach this and I’m not sure if I’m making a big deal out if this.My in-laws have this habit of saying “oh you don’t want mummy anymore” when they carry my son. And he won’t even be crying or anything like that. Once grandma just picked him from the floor when he was playing and said “oh you wanna be with grandma now. Let’s be with grandma. No, don’t want mummy.” Like wth? I find it weird af to be honest. His granddad does the same. It happens all the time.I’m uncomfortable with but they did the same with all their other grandchildren and no one else seems to take offence to it. I geddit it that they want my son to like them but i feel like there’s a better way to do it. The negative language bothers me. Like to like them, my son has to dislike me??? Is there really a need to teach a kid to choose one adult over another?My husband just thinks it’s a minor annoyance and nothing more so we don’t have to do anything. But i feel like I’ve to neutralise those comments somehow, like “you don’t want mummy” and I’ll reply “oh it’s ok, there’s plenty of love to go around”. Something like that. Granted my baby is only 10 months now. Am i worrying too much? via /r/Parenting

What have I done ??!

I regret having had a baby. There. I said it. She is eight months old, and I love her to pieces. But if I could rewind my life, I would choose being childfree.I will never vacation alone or in peace. I won't be watching a movie for a long time. Won't be doing literally ALL the things I enjoy doing, for a long time. Why did I choose this life ? I really don't know.I don't know if this is the sleep deprivation talking....but right now, I regret choosing this life. via /r/Parenting

Bi-Monthly Application, games and books review - June 29, 2018

This is a Bi-Weekly thread meant to share review and comments on children's phone applications, games and books.Feel free to share with us your new discoveries, what you liked and what you didn't really appreciate. via /r/Parenting

What do I say to my wife?

This is the third cycle that we’ve been trying to conceive our first, and this time around she felt in her heart that she was pregnant - she even insisted that she was feeling early pregnancy symptoms. She took the a test this morning, and it was clearly negative. She’s heartbroken. I know, logically we’ve only just begun trying, but trying to comfort her has been difficult this time. I think she’s afraid that there might be something wrong with her due to complications from anorexia in her teenage years. I don’t think we’re ready to head down that road towards testing yet though. Don’t get me wrong - I’m also very disappointed; we both want children badly, but she’s taking it so hard. via /r/Parenting

Second on the way- what to consider/prepare with the second that the first child didn’t bring up?

Hi all,I am a father of a lovely 2 (and a half) year old lively girl and my SO and I are in expecting our second early next year- yes a while to go.But the controlled excitement is bubbling- we are keeping calm since it’s very early still.My question was: I’ve heard the second brings challenges, issues, fun opportunities and things to consider that having just one didn’t?Please can you all impart some wisdom for me, my wife and as a couple we should consider and prepare...Thanks as always all! via /r/Parenting

My 13 year old daughter is upset that I'm pregnant and is acting out.

Hello! This is my first post on this sub, I originally posted it on r/relationships, but the mods locked it and recommended I post it here. I did edit it a little bit to clarify parts of it. I'm hoping someone here can help me figure out what we're doing wrong or give me advice on how to handle this.My husband and I are 29, and have 3 girls ages 8, 9, and 13 (we had her when we were 16), and we found out I was pregnant with our 4th baby 2 days ago. Today was my first appointment, and shockingly, I'm 10 week along. My oldest was not happy when we told her. She was ecstatic when she found out I was pregnant with her little sisters, who were born when she was 4 and 5. With this one, we told her I was pregnant the night we found out, she's very intuitive, and wasn't shocked about it, but then rolled her eyes and said she didn't even want her sisters, and that we were too old to have another baby. She stomped to her room, slammed the door, and wouldn't come out the rest of the night. I was going to go in there, but my husband said to give her space. She did text us goodnight before she went to bed, but didn't reply to my text, where I told her we loved her, and asked if she wanted to talk the next morning.Yesterday, I woke her up for day camp, and she told me to get out and don't touch her. When she came down for breakfast, she refused to look at me, started snapping at her sisters (who don't know I'm pregnant yet, so I just told them their sister was cranky), and I told her to be nice to them. In the car on the way, she wouldn't answer my questions, and yanked her sisters out of the car. My 8 year old has mobility issues and could have fallen onto the pavement, and my 9 year old was sitting in her seat, packing up a bag for the day. I grabbed her arm while she tried to walk away, and told her I understand she's upset, but she needed to watch her attitude and and quit taking it out on her sisters. She was fine there, but as soon as I picked them up, the attitude came back. She kept rolling her eyes, threw a pillow across the room when I reminded her I'm her mother and she needed to stop, and when my husband got off work, instead of running to him, she hid in her room. I asked him to talk with her, and she wouldn't let us in, so we decided to give it another day, because we understand the baby will be a big change and why she's upset.This morning was basically a repeat of yesterday, except I told her if she kept it up, she's grounded this weekend and we're taking her phone until Sundy. Again she was fine at camp, but my husband unexpectedly got off work early, so he decided to surprise the girls and pick them up instead of me. She's a daddy's girl and usually loves it when he's the one picking them up, but not this time. A few of her friends have crushes on my husband (he's a tall, muscular Marine, lots of her friends end up with a crush on him) and when they ran up to say hi, she flipped out. Her best friend is one of those girls, and usually she thinks it's hilarious that her friend has a crush on "an old guy", but this time, she called her names, cussed at her, shoved her, then told her to "stay the hell away from my dad". He told her to get into his truck, went to get our younger girls, and called her bff's parents to tell them what happened. When they got home, we grounded her, told her to stay in her room and write an apology letter, and after dinner, we sat her down to talk. I told her I understand she's upset, that the baby wasn't planned, and we told her the day we found out so we're sorry we couldn't discuss it with her beforehand like we did about having her sisters, but that we're the parents and decide when we're having kids, not her. She just glared at us, and said we're ruining everything, she wishes she was an only child, and that she want's her bff banned from the house. We told her we love her, that I'll be here everyday if she needs to talk, and my husband said they can have father-daughter day whenever she needs to and talk to him too. She got up, went to her room, calling us names the whole way there, shut and locked her door, and Skyped her best friend on her computer. When she answered, she flipped out on her again, and started cussing her out about having a crush on her dad and told her to stay away from the house. We were outside the door telling her to open it, but she didn't listen. My husband basically knocked the door down to get her to stop. I was with the youngest ones who woke up when my husband knocked her door down, and they were crying while my husband and daughter were arguing in the other room. Then we called the bff's parents, and agreed they should probably not talk/see each other for at least this weekend. He fixed the door and put it back up; she's sleeping now, but this has got to stop.She's grounded until Sunday, meaning she can't just get up and go to a friends house, the mall, etc. but she is still going to the day camp and to gymnastics, and softball. I'm not sure if I'm going to do this, but I was planning on taking away her computer tomorrow and give it back Sunday because she used it to harass her best friend, and I'm not taking off her door because she's 13 and needs her privacy. I do plan on giving her space, and telling her tomorrow that its okay to be angry, upset, annoyed, etc., but it's not okay to act out those feelings on others. I also put in my 2 weeks notice at work today, so I'm going to tell her that I'm going to be home most of the time now, so I will be the one taking care of the baby, not her, and I'll be able to spend more time with her.I know she's 13, and the pregnancy was a huge surprise and wasn't planned, but this isn't the child I know. She's usually sweet, kind, and laid back. I've never known her to be rude, hateful, or attack- verbally or physically- anyone like she did to her best friend and sisters. That's when I realized that even if it's only been a few days, I can't let this continue. We're at a loss for words, and don't know what to I'm unexpectedly pregnant, and my 13 year old daughter is acting out, verbally attacked and shoved her best friend, as well as being rude, hateful, mean, and physically taking it out on her younger sisters. My husband had to knock down her door to get her to stop verbally harassing her best friend on the computer, and we have no idea how to get through to her because she won't listen. via /r/Parenting

My wife's family is obsessed with our daughter and I don't like it.

I can appreciate that my daughter has a loving family on her mom's side. My wife has a large family full of siblings, nephews, nieces. I have a big family too and they do the same thing, it's just my wife's family seems to be so overbearing.They're always taking pictures of her. Not gonna lie, I hate this. Don't like my daughter being plastered all over the internet on facebook. I tolerate it... but yeah I'm just not comfortable with it but don't want to be "that guy"Everyone knows who she is. Everytime we take her to events they all know who she is like she is famous or some shit. Everyone mentions how pretty she is for her age, I get it.Keep in mind I swear they treat my daughter different on her mom's side than the other kids. I can't explain it, they have multiple big framed photos of her at her mom's house and she's the only grand child that has this.My wife called me an idiot and this is such an irrelevant issue. I mean is it really? I just don't like everyone liking my daughter so much and giving her attention all of the time and posting photos of her on social media. They have so many photos of just her.She's my daughter. I think she's very smart and has so many great things about her that she shouldn't get praised just by how "pretty" she is. I don't want this messing her up later in life.It's not only her grandparents but her sisters, their older daughters, etc. via /r/Parenting

To you mothers who raise our children during the week, and send them to us Dads on the weekend....

To those who think that we fathers are the 'fun parents', the ones who entertain, who do special things that you can't with your busy lives.To those who hear the stories of the adventures with dad, who hear the children say "we want to stay at daddy's", or even the occasional "Why can't you [insert anything] like we do with daddy?"Hear this.We would gladly trade places with you.We would give anything to experience the nuances of our children's lives. To heal their wounds, to hold them when they cry, to nurse them when they're sick, to wake up to them every morning, to make them breakfast and curl up with them on the couch to watch another bad kids flick.We missed the first time they rode a bike without falling, the first time they we broken over a crush.We don't know all their friends, we don't get to make them lunch for school and see them off. We don't hear their small thoughts and fears.We are 'fun dads' because the minute we stop, they miss you - their rock, their home. We hear things like "Really? we're just going to stay home?" or "If we're not doing anything fun, can I just go home, or to a friends house?""Home". Home is where you are. We're 'Daddys house".We're just trying to milk every moment we have with them for as long as possible, because, while you get to watch their lives unfold at normal speed, we're watching it in fast forward. We try to understand the plot of their stories, but we never get the full picture.Take a moment to step outside your bubble, to look inward at your life. Then compare, look at it from our perspectives. And maybe you'll appreciate all you have, and be a little more forgiving of them and us. via /r/Parenting

Thursday, 28 June 2018

We just had a run in with a pup.

First and foremost, this ends way better than it begins so hang with me.So, today we had a dogdate with a friend of ours puppy. As they were running around and doing dog things, my daughter who is five was climbing a hill behind them, maybe five feet away from me. The pup in question is 1, and a boxer mix so he is very high energy and my dog is a 7 year boxer mix who's considerably more laid back. Anyways, the pup decided out of the blue to chase my daughter and in doing so knocked her over and went to nip at her shirt. By this time, the pups owner and I are already in motion. Before either of us can intervene my old lady jumped in between my daughter ave the pup and made it known that she was not happy about it. The pup took off and I swooped up the little and my doggo sat right at my feet.Needless to say, my daughter was shook, but other than a scratch on her from sliding down the hill, unharmed.Y'all it was scary. And my friend feels terrible. But it was a good learning experience for all of us, and my little is no worse for the wear. The best part of the whole experience though was when we got home my daughter ran straight up to her dad and said "DAAADDDYYY, the mean dog bit me in the gina!"Let's just say I lost it, which sent the little into a giggle fit. Dad was bewildered, my stomach hurts from laughing and the little now understands that the butt and the vagina are separate, and that she didn't get bit at all.I'm still giggling, and I really needed to share my hilarious ending to what could've been a much much worse experience. And in case anyone is wondering my doggo got extra treats and all the love for being the best old girl in the world.Tl:Dr daughter got knocked over by a pup, rescued by my pup and then uttered the single funniest sentence possible. via /r/Parenting

I'm a parent (31M) struggling to find activities for my new family on the weekend. Suggestions?

I'm more of a stay at home type and my SO is more outgoing and finds it boring to stay at home and do "nothing". She wants us to do things to outside to show the world to our 1 year old son. Before we used to go play tennis or hicking but these are not activities we can really do with our toddler. Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks!! via /r/Parenting

Weekly - Things my kid said - to share all the things your kids say. - June 28, 2018

This is a weekly thread where you can share the things you're kid said to you that made you laugh/cry/go on a mad rampage.If you'd like to talk daily about things your kids say, feel free to visit /r/thingsmykidsaid via /r/Parenting

Is it actually harmful to teach reading "wrong"

My son is 2 and he's getting to the point where I think he might start learning to read soon. He knows the letter sounds and some combination sounds (i.e. ch, oo, ay, ai, oi) and he is taking an interest in words and what they are now.When I was probably a bit over 2 ½ I learned to read and it was with no specific instruction although I remember my mum ran her fingers under words when she read to me.Nowadays phonics is all the rage and a lot of people online say you mustn't teach your child to read because you will do it "wrong"... and... well I am not sure here. I didn't learn to read the way they teach reading in school today and now as an adult... it doesn't matter how I learned to read as long as I can read... which I can.I understand spelling is one potential pitfall - even today I spell words by writing them out enough times and somehow knowing they look "wrong" rather than by building them from phonetic blocks or anything. Obviously this means I am hopeless at spelling unfamiliar words. Equally I often mispronounce words I've only ever read and never heard actually spoken but I don't think phonics would help with that (my husband still laughs at me for saying "epitome" as epi-tome instead of e-pit-oh-me.I don't really find that a massive deterrent, I think having an extra couple of years to independently enjoy literature - and there's so much beautiful and beautifully illustrated children's literature about - is worth a lot more than doing things exactly according to the current scheme schools do it, which will probably go out of fashion in a few years anyway.But I am open to hear thoughts about it. via /r/Parenting

Last night, my husband said he's "open" to the idea of a second child. I don't feel the same way.

Our mantra has always been, "don't even think about it until our daughter is 1."Well, she's 1! And my husband says that he's getting more interested in having another now that we're officially out of the baby phase. I feel like I'm moving more towards wanting to be one and done, growing stronger all the time.Our daughter is fantastic and easy, the light of both of our lives. But I feel like our family is complete. I had a terrible pregnancy and would be at extreme high risk for recurrent preeclampsia with another one. My postpartum period was equally bad; I was in pain for over 12 weeks. I'm still 10-15lbs overweight and have only recently felt like I've started to reclaim my body, in both form and function (I was athletic before I was pregnant). I have zero desire to go through the newborn phase again. I want to keep traveling, which I don't think we could afford with two kids. I don't think I have it in me to be a SAHM for more than another year or so, and want to be able to focus on my writing career again. When I picture the next 5, 10, 15 years of my life, I only see my daughter. Another child doesn't factor in at all, even in a wistful, possible, ghost-ship-that-didn't-carry-us way.Overall, I just feel like I'm happy and settled. I don't see us adding more to our family and I definitely don't see myself going through pregnancy again. My husband isn't really open to adoption (something I would consider much further down the road), so it seems like this is where we're at. But obviously I don't want to hurt or deeply disappoint my husband. We are a partnership and neither of our preferences exist in a vacuum. I know the question of how many children can be a major source of strife, so I want to handle it well.I told him that I wasn't feeling the same way and to his credit, he took it in stride. He agrees that we both need to be enthusiastic about the possibility of another before moving forward. But he basically said we could shelve the conversation, which makes me think he thinks/assumes/hopes my answer will be different in another 6-12 months...and I really don't see that happening.As an additional sticking point, his family is visiting and they put enormous amounts of pressure on us to have more. They won't be happy unless we have 3+ kids. They think only children are spoiled and strange, and the parents of only children are selfish and trying to "have their cake and eat it too." Not sure what that means they think about me (an only child) and my upbringing, but like they say: don't ask questions when you don't want to know the answer. So part of me thinks their influence is taking a toll right now, but I also don't want to dismiss my husband's feelings as illegitimate anymore than I want him to dismiss mine.Any experiences in this area or ideas for how to tackle it in a loving way would be appreciated. TIA. via /r/Parenting

BM of my step kids just made off with 3/4 of our kids stuff for her 1 weekend a month schedule. What are we going to do?! Long post.

We got a CO set up for my step kiddos, everything was happy until I read in the CO that my SO agreed to give her most of the kids stuff without reading how much, dispite her not buying them anything that they have now. What do I Do? My kids are left with a bag of legos and 4 stuffed animals.Backstory, this woman left for almost a year when her youngest was breastfeeding. Never came back. Never tried untill we served her with childsuport payments. I've been in my SD2 life longer than her birth mother has now. The older two boys had stoped asking for her, and then she comes back. Cool, as long as she keeps her word not to emotionally abuse/manipulate them like before.When she was originally served divorce papers and emergency custody order she got angry and fled state. Protection orders, court dates, and all the therapy she had to compleatw before she could see them again would have taken 3 weeks. We had it all set up for her, and she did none of it for a year. Her choice, What ever.She recently, after the child support papers came through, completed what she needed and asked to be back in their lives, but had nowhere to go. She got with her boyfriend and even through thwy broke up, shes still living there. We set it up with her to see them at parks and McDonald's and such for a few hours because she had no car and we didn't want her to have ammo to say we alienated them. We worked and worked with her trying to help, but she still threw fits and bought nothing for the kids, and only asked to see them once a month and a few phone calls a month. Girlfriend you live 4 minutes from us come on.Back to the title, we get everything set up for her. We help with court costs dispite us being poor too (college student and I'm a childcare worker. We have budgets down to a t). She still threw a fit and sweet talked the judge into putting in the CO that we had to give her most of the kids stuff so they feel at home at her house. Okay, I can give a tub of toys and our extra crib mattresses. We don't have more clothes that we need. We don't have more sheets than are on the beds. We don't have anymore beds than WE need. She came to our house to pick up the stuff and starts screaming that this was bullshit and not enough, where are the beds, where are all the clothes... what??She expected us to give her their beds, clothes, and most toys for her 1 weekend a month schedule. Umm no. I paid for those beds, I paid for those toys, I paid for the clothes while their father went back to school. Not you lady. The last thing you bought them as a pack of underwear because instead of washing them on a visitation you just threw them away. I showed her receipts and refused on the beds, but she made off with half their clothes and 3/4 of the toys we have. We called our lawyers and he just shrugged it off because the CO said she would have most. Not half, MOST. I'm so upset and angry!The kids were crying that she was taking all of their favorite toys, bedtime snuggle bears, and basicly anything I couldn't prove I bought while threatening to call the police if I didn't let her have most of the stuff, and she bought NONE of it.What can i do, or call places, to help rebuild the stuff we just lost?! We are so broke we budget to a t and I can't even spend 100 at a thrift store to make up for this. via /r/Parenting

Toddler screams for what he wants, throws things if he doesn't get them, and does the opposite of what we tell him

i have a 16.5 month old who has been a very calm and happy baby. Since he started talking and walking and realised he has his own wants/needs and is willing to show his independence (of course normal for his developmental stage), he has had us dancing to his tune. We try to be firm without being harsh but nothing seems to work.When having breakfast for instance, while happily eating something he sees for example strawberries that he loves, he starts screaming for them till he gets them. He would just scream "strawberry" on and on until he gets it. And he will throw anything in his sight including his cup and food to express his frustration. I understand that these might be normal toddler behaviour for his developmental stage but it is hard, frustrating and mentally draining to deal with several times a day. I often say no and don't give in depending on the situation. I let him have his meltdown and explain or talk to him calmly and lovingly after, or distract him. But he will still throw things or scream at another instance in a similar situation.He even does things on purpose when he knows he shouldn't, for example he knows that having/throwing my glasses(spectacles) or phone are out of question, so he throws them ifever he happens to get his hands on them, despite most of the time managing to keep them away. He then laughs and runs away and if I ask him not to do it. He knows I am not OK with him throwing his cup for example but still does it on purpose, often watching for my reaction after. I try to respond in all the ways possible-calmly, getting down to his level, being firm or raising my voice a bit etc he will still do it, sometimes picking the item he just threw and throw it again. Ignoring the behaviour in that moment sometimes makes it die down at that time but he has this same behaviour the next time there is a similar circumstance. We are not OK with being strict authoritarian parents. We want to enforce positive discipline in a loving way but have no idea how to deal with such situations. Sometimes I end up screaming as a reaction to, for example, him throwing and breaking the remote and feel bad after.He often does this in public as well which is embarrassing and frustrating as well.Any tips to manage this? How have you dealt in such situations?Thank you!<3 <3 via /r/Parenting

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

My almost 3 year old is racist

So, this came out of no where. It happened today and a couple days ago. I took my daughter to the zoo and one of the bathroom stall was dirty and had pee on the seat. She asked me if a black lady did it. I was shocked and asked her where did she hear that from. She didn’t respond so I just let it go. I told her that it could have been anyone it has nothing to do with skin color.This morning, she told my wife that she doesn’t like daddy because he’s brown. It kind of hurt my feelings a lil not gonna lie but I seriously have no idea where she got that from. She’s mixed so she’s a little dark herself so it doesn’t make sense to me.She goes to my wife’s parents house every Saturday for some grandparent time and they never watch TV or have any type of screen time so I doubt that’s where she got it. My wife is a SAHM so no one else takes care of her. I am so confused as to where she might have picked up the dislike and negative attitude towards black or brown skin.All she ever watches on TV is Daniel Tiger and Peppa Pig and I have never seen anything related to skin color on those shows. Is it possible that it’s something she thought of on her own? via /r/Parenting

My wife spoils and treats her son like an emperor

He is the most spoiled child I have ever seen, she often puts him in a position where he feels it is ok to challenge my authority. An example of this is when he throws a tantrum, acts disrespectful etc. I ground him and tell him to go to his room, my wife ungrounds him, she does the opposite! I tell him he can play video games just 2 hours a day, and she lets him play longer, all day long.He is 7 years old, can't dress himself at all, he doesn't know how to put on a jacket, he can't tie his shoelaces, he can't even put his socks on. I have tried to teach him but he just refuses to learn because he knows mommy will do it all for him and I have talked to her about this but she just shoves it aside like she never heard me.My wife behaves like his servant, she does whatever he asks, feeds him whatever he wants, not what's at the table. He sometimes hits me when things do not go his way and doesn't let me discipline him for it, she defends him if I raise my voice, she doesn't even ground him when he hits her, instead she just goes with him to his room and they watch a movie together. He doesn't even want to sleep alone, she lays next to him and if she is not with him he yells "mom" outloud over and over until she comes and lays in bed next to him.I'm at a point right now where I just don't know what to do. I am trying to teach him what discipline is but whatever progress I make, she undoes it. I need alot of advise on this please. via /r/Parenting

Thoughts about Roblox/YouTube?...

Is it just me, or is there an entire generation of kids that are getting their brains scrambled with this garbage?There is a sea of disturbingly weird shit on that platform as well as the corresponding/related YouTubers and their videos. Stuff that just doesn't make any sense whatsoever, or worse... I honestly wonder if these kids are sociopaths. The difference in my son's behavior after watching/playing for even an hour or so is very noticeable and I'm starting to suspect that these 'kids' - and in many cases I'm talking teenagers who act much younger than their age - are creating virtual garbage that is having some serious subliminal impact.I'd like to hear others' opinions on these (or other) platforms... Please don't flame me about 'parenting,' because that's exactly what I'm trying to do here.Thanks! via /r/Parenting

15 year old daughter is pregnant.

Hi all. My daughter, Victoria, was feeling unwell recently. Her mum and me were concerned but didn't think it went beyond a stomach bug and nausea. She told us that she missed her period. We were obviously very worried at that point. We know that she has a boyfriend, Scott, and we stay out of what happens between them. When she told us this I rushed to get her a pregnancy test, which she took.The result was positive and she burst into tears when she saw it. We took more tests to be certain and all came back positive. She's absolutely terrified at the moment and isn't sure whether she wants to keep the child, and we've said we'll support her whatever she does.The one issue we have is how this will affect her schooling. She's a smart kid, as in really smart. She's top of her year in five subjects, three of which her exam marks were 100% (not a single question wrong). and hasn't got a single grade in any subject lower than a B. Her mum and me aren't pushy parents at all. Obviously we never wanted her to do badly in school, but we have never been the type to pressure her to get straight As or whatever. Everything she's done has been done of her own ability and to be honest a lot of it is natural talent. She doesn't study or revise often and has been pulled up for not doing homework and coursework, and spends more time out with her friends than at home. If she was failing at school than all of this would be concerning, but we always said that as long as her grades were at least average, we wouldn't stick our noses in, and clearly she's way above average. However, she has one year of school left, and clearly being pregnant and then caring for a baby will take up a lot of her time, and will definitely affect her post-school life. She doesn't have a solid idea of what she wants to do when she leaves school, but has said she would like to study A Levels or maybe do an apprenticeship.We do have a reason for our parenting decisions. Her mum (who she got her brains from) was identified as a ''gifted'' child early on and was given work that was meant for much older children. She could handle it, but the attention and the pressure from her parents messed with her head, and it's something she hasn't forgiven them for (although she does love them). When we had a child of our own she was determined to let her have a ''normal'' childhood, something I agree with.Victoria has never been a ''bad'' kid. She goes to house parties on the weekends, but everyone at her school does, and neither her or her friends are involved with anyone dangerous. There was an issue last year when we found cannabis in her bedroom, but she promised is it wasn't a problem and it was just something she'd tried a few times before, and said she wouldn't do it again if we didn't want her to, and so far she hasn't as far as we're aware. As I said we would never get involved in what happens between her and her boyfriend, but we have made sure she's aware of what is appropriate and what precautions should be taken, so we're astounded she could be so careless.As for Scott, he was obviously the first person he told, but his response was to shout at her and end the call. He then proceeded to block her number. I tried phoning him but as soon as he heard my voice he hung up. I've never particularly liked the guy but I've always been civil with him, but I'm very annoyed with his behaviour at the moment.Victoria didn't go to school the past two days and all she's done is cry. She's panicking about what she's going to tell her friends and the school, and she thinks that her life is ruined.Need some advice about how to go about this, especially if Scott does not want to be involved, as to whether to abort or keep the child. Should we allow her to consider all options or should we try to sway her in a particular direction? via /r/Parenting

I think I’ve spoiled my daughter rotten

My daughter is 11 (will be 12 in a few months) and I need help with her. I think she is becoming a not very good person. I have difficulty understanding what makes her happy and how to get her motivated to be better. I do talk to her and hear what she says but it’s like my solutions never work.The first issue is she’s not looking forward to summer holidays. (Really makes me sad that she’s not ecstatic to be off). She doesn’t like to be home alone and she gets board easily. I do work full time but I am taking about 8 days off here and there. We are going camping a few times, her grandma is taking a week off to have all grand kids over. I think throughout the whole summer she and her older brother will be home for 10 days alone. So I am trying to think of things she could do that will get her out of her room. So far I have suggested swimming lessons, do babysitting jobs as she has completed her babysitting course, go to my brothers farm for a few days, craft course, but she says she’s not interested in any of those.It’s never enough. It’s like she is always searching for what she wants next. So right now she isn’t getting anything so she’s in grumpy mood. She mopes around, she’s rude, talks back, doesn’t do her chores. For example 2 weeks ago she wanted these shoes and she was sad sad sad and when she knew she was going to get them she perked up and turned her persona completely around, she got the shoes and was good for a few days and now she’s back.We got her 2 kittens. We haven’t had a pet in awhile and my husband and I wanted them but also thought this could be something she would be responsible for and love. (It’s been a tough few years for her as her dad dragged us through a custody battle and he lost (due to his lack of involvement for the last 10 years) and he has now completely abandoned both her and her brother, it’s been about 10 months since any contact. So in saying all that, a lot of what I do is out of guilt for what their dad did.). The deal was is if we got the kittens she would be responsible to feed them and scoop out the litter once a day. Well big shocker, she’s not doing it. And when she does she leaves the wet food out, there is cat food all over the counter, she forgets to do the litter. Which leads into my next issue...She isn’t responsible, in anyway. She will wear dirty clothes if I let her, her room is disgusting, like garbage under her bed, her room is always trashed, she showers and throws her towel on the floor, leaves her lunch kit in her backpack and will sit there over the weekend, drops her jacket at the door. And I’m constantly nagging at her. We’ve tried chore lists, allowances, taking things away but all it ends up being is me nagging and following her around.She won’t help anyone unless it benefits her. For example, her little brother is 2 and we threw his soother on the ground, it landed right beside her foot, she wouldn’t grab it. He was crying and fussing and I had to ask her to pick it up and give it to him. Her older brother asked her to pass the remote, and i watched her reaction and I could see it literally pained her to pass it to him.On the other hand. She’s very smart, very witty, she’s beautiful, she’s very creative and thoughtful. She does well in school. She can be very good with her little brother. She has a great relationship with her step dad. I love her, she’s my only daughter but day to day I feel angry with her, disappointment, I worry about her as she is ruining relationships with friends. I don’t think she’s happy and I think if she was this would all turn around. via /r/Parenting

Issue with Grandma over feeding

My mom helps take care of my 3yo several days per week. She is wonderful with her and a great help, but food has always been a contentious issue for us. My daughter is a terrible eater. Not picky, she just eats very little. Shell maybe eat one full meal per day and eats a few spoonfulls of other meals. Neither I nor the pediatrician is concerned since she is very healthy, but my mom thinks if she doesn't intervene my daughter will become malutritioned and get sick. So she spoonfeeds... every meal. Without my mom forcing food down her throat my daughter would probably not get most of the fruits and vegetables that she eats, but it's so frustrating to watch. I've tried asking my mom directly to stop but she believes she's all that stands between my child and malnutrition, so she can't bring herself to do that. What is a diplomatic way to address this with her? I really want to teach my daughter self-sufficiency and about consequences, but should I just let it go? Also how do you get your kids to eat??? via /r/Parenting

Blasted by inlaws on holiday for rinsing our toddlers peed pants in the sink

So I’ve been with my partner for 6 years and we have a 3 year old. We went on holiday for a few days with his parents. I’ve never seen them yell at any of their 4 kids before, not even once. At the place we were staying there was a main bathroom and a small bathroom in the hallway. My daughter didn’t make it to the toilet in time and peed herself in the hallway next to smaller bathroom. So I went to grab a cloth and wiped it up and placed her underwear and pants in the sink of the hallway bathroom to rinse. By the time I got back his parents came in and his dad asked who left them there and I said I was just rinsing them and he blasted “why don’t you use your own bathroom, I wash my bloody face in that sink! Why didn’t you use a bowl or something!” And his mom added “ what if I had my knickers in your sink?! We left you the other bathroom to give you some privacy!!” Meanwhile we had only been there a couple days and I woke up after them every morning and had literally no idea we were using different bathrooms. I explained that and she said “look it’s over now, just THINK next time!!” I was so shocked and upset. I cried all night and barely slept.Also sucks I can’t really say anything back about how they all came into our home when my daughter was still crawling with their winter boots on in the living room on our new light coloured carpet and sat there like it was perfectly normal... then when they took them off they all left them in the living room instead of in the hall by the door like most respectful people would when they take off their shoes. I didn’t say a word however because I didn’t want to cause an issue. I hate that because they are the parents and do so much for us that I can’t even say anything or else their whole family would probably never want to speak to me again.On holiday at least my partner was supportive and told them they really overreacted and made his dad apologise the next day.Any other parents think I was being very rude and that they were right to be so pissed off and blast me? Or were they being OTT? via /r/Parenting

Weekly- Wallet Wednesday- June 27, 2018

This is a weekly thread where you can share pictures of your children and cute, crazy or awful things they have done. Please upload your pictures through Imgur and post the link as a comment. Feel free to share the context of the picture! If you are not a parent yourself, this is the place to ask us anything. Also, if you ever wonder who we are, click here to meet the mod team! via /r/Parenting