Saturday, 23 September 2017

Can I CIO a 6 month old during tummy time?

My 6 month old can't roll over anymore. She learned how to fairly early on, as well as pushups etc, but shortly afterwards decided that any activity that didn't involve being held was the Devil's Work.There's no making tummy time bearable for her; if I try to get down and play with her, it just drives home that I'm the Terrible Person doing this to her and not holding her. So she yells and yells, and if I ignore her yelling she still won't roll over, but she'll use her hands to push herself around in circles while yelling which I think of as Progress.So what I'm wondering is if I can treat it like sleep and just keeping pushing her limits, she can eventually learn how to self soothe (and hopefully remember how to do anything but lay there and yell) or if it works differently than sleep training because the end result isn't passing out and forgetting your pain. via /r/Parenting

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