Wednesday, 27 September 2017

7 y/o accidentally hurt the dog roughhousing, was I too harsh?

My daughter was jumping around acting silly and accidentally kicked one of our dogs off the sofa. He started limping so I had to drop everything in the middle of cooking dinner and take him to the vet. He's fine, just a sprain, but he's ancient so he had to go in asap.She had already gotten warnings for crashing into the coffee table twice and knocking her sister over. I have laryngitis and she was pretending not to hear me telling her to knock it off. I was about to physically stop her but I was in the middle of cooking.She was apologetic at the vet but went right back to jumping around when we got home. She refused to go to her room so I took away the stuffed animals and video game she just got for her birthday. She fought me on the stuffed animals (she's way, way too attached to them) and I yelled at her, she flipped out and smacked me. She got more animals taken away and kept arguing until she had none left.Her dad thinks I should give them back. He feels like hurting the dog was an accident and she was remorseful, so she only needs to be punished for arguing and hitting. He thinks I went too far and permanently taking away the new game is enough punishment.She's currently being evaluated for adhd at school and he doesn't think she can help it. She's having a lot of attitude problems and has a nasty remark for everything. She just started a martial arts class to try and burn off some of her energy but so far it's only making her more amped up. I know yelling at a 7 y/o isn't very productive and I feel bad about it. She's a difficult kid and I'm exhausted with her. Am I being too hard on her? Was taking the animals away too much, given how attached she is to them? via /r/Parenting

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