Thursday, 28 September 2017

Son (15) recorded classmates assaulting him. Is now demanding their expulsion (UPDATE)

My first post is here, the school expelled the students. My son researched his laws before hand and knew exactly what the our lawyer would say. He is basically untouchable because his demands are considered "reasonable". The school was backed up against a wall and they decided that they had no choice but to expel the students, or face the states school board and news outlets (apparently he had timed emails that sent out videos to newspapers, which have since been disabled) The video was also sent to the police and my lawyer, as of three hours ago, is helping my son build his case.We are probably going to pull him out of the school and look for a different one or homeschool. He is highly intelligent (he taught himself French last year, He likes their metal music) So I am not worried about the effects of it, I'm already familiar with the system as my brother does it for his three kids (heavily religious)I'm proud of and at the same time scared of him, he thought all of this through and seems to have beaten the school at every point. I don't know how far he will take his manipulative tendencies, if he was experimenting, if it will get worse or if he will move from goading to other points. If anybody has questions I'll try my best to answer, there was a lot of posts...a ton of them, and it's exhausting for me to type this out.Thank you for your help. via /r/Parenting

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