Saturday, 30 September 2017

Baby wearers/attachment parents--how do you handle early risers/short nappers?

So I am open to any and all suggestions/shared experiences but just I feel like I subscribe more the the attachment parenting style, although we did do CIO for evening bed time and it worked out fine.Anyways, as far as the early rising goes--my 7 month old used to sleep in until about 0700 or sometimes 0730, having been put down to bed at 1900. For the past few weeks he's been waking up anywhere from 0500-0600, and I now consider 0630 a win. It seems like he just wakes up to cuddle--my wife or I go in and pick him up and he just lays his head on our shoulder and falls asleep. FWIW, we're able to sit in the recliner in his room and fall asleep too, but I guess my main question is am I "enabling" him? Or how would you handle this? In an ideal world we'd all be able to sleep in until 0700 or so but it's just not happening.As far as the naps go, he's always been a "bad" napper. He used to only sleep 30 minutes to the second, you could literally set your watch to it. Well then I discovered that if I wear him in the Tula he not only falls asleep in under a minute, he'll sleep for 1.5-2 hours! I don't really mind it right now and I've got a good schedule going, but am I setting myself up for failure? My wife is willing to keep up this charade since I'm home with him all day and do the majority of the napping, but she will take some shifts on the weekends but is leaning more towards letting him CIO for naps. I'm afraid he won't nap as long and I don't want to have him crying!Thanks for your shared experiences/advice. via /r/Parenting

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