Ok, so heres the breakdown, grab the popcorn, this will be longI've got a 10 year told daughter. The issue I have is that at time, I feel that my daughter plays me. Its gotten to the point now I wouldn't be surprised if I get kicked out of the house. If my daughter doesn't get her way about something, she'll run off to my wife, her mom, and tell her I'm being weird/mean/uncomfortable/etc, and try to get me in trouble. Sad thing is, it works.Last night for example, my daughter asked me if I wanted to ride bikes with her. For the record, I'll drop anything for a bike ride, I love getting a little bit of exercise on the bike. She also asked if we could do a pokemon adventure. This is her code for "lets do the pokemon go app". I was a little hesitant at that at first (more on that later), but decided it was something to do together.As we are beginning our ride, she asked if we can go to a particular park in the next sub-division. Its about 7:10, and the sky is getting darker. I say that we can't as it is getting a bit dark. She tells me it won't be an issue, its still light out. I say we can't as it will be dark soon, and we can go when it is ligther/earlier. She won't have it, says its till be fine. I then just say calmly we're not going to argue about it. She gets a little mad, but we keep riding for about a minute. She said she wants to talk to me, pulls under a tree and says that we aren't having fun. I start telling her that we just started the bike ride, and that can change (us having fun). She gets pissed, bolts off/rides home quickly, runs in the house, and blows up saying I'm being weird.My wife, who I think,not sure, but I think she realizes that our daughter may sometimes embellish a little, asks her what happened. Her answers was dad is being weird/mean. My wife asks how. My daughter replies that is hard to explain, its complicated, etc. She's dodging the question. However my wife presses her (I'm thinking that my wife still is trying to find out if she was embellishing a bit). My daughter then says that I, while holding my phone (remember pokemon go) was looking at it, almost rode my bike into a ditch, which embarrassed her. This event did not take place.I overheard this convo, but I didn't step in as I wanted to let my daughter open up to my wife. After I could tell the conversation was spoken, and onto something different, I asked if I could join. My wife agreed, and said that she was scared and embarrassed. The next few minutes were a blur.Stopping for a second hear, I want to mentione that this has happened several times. My daughter got mad a me a few weeks ago, while biking, and doing the pokemon thing, because of a minor detail (those here to know pokemon go, we were riding around, hitting up pokemon gyms. We got to one, we were taking turns battling different pokemon. I had the phone, got through one battle, my daughter asked me who I battled. I told her to, she gets pissed as she tell me she wanted to battle this particular character). She gets on a bench, lays down and flails her arms and legs for a few seconds, gets up, says shes mad, and bolts off. We're at a park 2 miles away, so I yell out just loud enough so she can hear. She does let me catch up. When she gets home, she ditches her bike on the sidewalk. I again speak a louder that she needed to move her bike into the garage.She opens the door, starts bawling. My wife asks whats wrong, "dad's being mean". My wife: How? My daughter: (sighs in frustration) he just is! After my wife presses her, she says I'm getting in her face, yelling, etc.I don't want to refer to my daughter as a liar. But things are being made up so that I'm the bad guy.My wife wants to see our daughter happy, as do I. Had I been in different places with my wife, I'd also be concerned that when she hangs out with our daughter, and my daughter acted upset and scared, embarrassed when they hung out, I'd be concerned for her too.Its gotten to the point where I feel my wife is going to kick me out of the house. In fact, I think the only reason she hasn't is because she is a SAHM, and right now is dependent on me providing a roof and food, etc. My wife is trying to get some things going to provide some more income, and she said this is distracting her from accomplishing those. I can totally understand that.My wife is beyond frustrated, and I don't blame her. If I do say something to the effect tough of our daughter embellishing or playing me, my wife will get even more upset, saying our daughter is a child, she shouldn't be blamed, that this is something that needs to have been fixed a long time ago. This also brings out old issues and turns things into longer prolonged fights ( I know, this should be for a totally different subreddit)I'm ranting at this point. I'm not sure what I'm asking for. I love my wife and daughter. I'm just very lost right now. I did email my doctor to see if I can get an appointment with a therapist. Hopefully for some guidance and to convince myself I'm not going crazy here. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2x2PvRf
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