I don't know that I'm really looking for advice as much as I want to just get others experiences with this. Sorry this is so long.My son was diagnosed with Gelastic seizure activity last year. He has had 1 bad episode that prompted us to take him to a neurologist. They did a sleep deprivation EEG and told us they caught abnormal activity and said it was indicative of a seizure. the neurologist said it happens with some kids at this age and most grow out of it. Now, he doesn't display what most people expect. Gelastic seizures are like just checking out for a little bit or in my son's case he had a laughing fit, but was non-responsive (it was freaky). In any case, these 2 are the only times we have ever caught it. But, we still have/want to report it to the school.He started kindergarten this year. We have been getting some notes about behavior and not finishing classwork. He has also not been following directions. Now the school nurse, counselor and teacher have agreed they want us to place him on a 504 plan due to his "disability" affecting his ability in class. Essentially, The 504 Plan is a plan developed to ensure that a child who has a disability identified under the law and is attending an elementary or secondary educational institution receives accommodations that will ensure their academic success and access to the learning environment. (I had to google that) I researched it a little bit at this point, but I'm no expert.Part of this as I understand would mean they could take him out of normal class and place him in special classes, right?So, I'm not gonna sit here and say my kid is not a little shit disturber, because of course he fucking is. But, he is also inquisitive and smart. I don't see a mentally or behaviorally disabled child, I just see Hyper 5 year old. I don't blame anything on the diagnosis. He is at the expected level for reading, writing, math, etc. What is getting him in trouble is not getting his work done and disturbing others. When I was his age, my mom got the same notes, and same for my wife. I think he is too young to be placed on any remedial, or action plan steps; it's only kindergarten at this point. Either way, we are going to consult with the neurologist again and probably do more tests.So, what it is it then. Is this a matter of classroom control or is my kid disabled as they are suggesting? I feel they they are urging us to sign the 504 because they want to take him out of normal classes.Anyone have experience like this? via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2fy8XTh
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