My seven yr old son doesn't want to visit me on the weekends that I have him. I ended an 8 yr relationship with his father because he was physically and emotionally abusive. I was a stay at home for 8 years. When I left him, I didn't have anything When we went to court I could not afford a lawyer so everything pretty much went in his fathers favor. I was awarded every other weekend. Fast forward a year later, I have my own place, good job at the hospital..trying to do better in life. Within a year of ending the relationship, his father has since remarried and my son calls someone else mom. My sons father will email me that my son doesn't want to visit me. When my 11 yr old daughter and I pick up our son, her brother he is unhappy and moody. After a few hours after I pretty much buy his love he is happy to spend time with his sister and I and claims he is happy and wants to come back next week. I buy him games, toys, take the kids to fun places like chuck e cheese, Medieval times, and swimming. I cook all the foods that he loves on the weekends I have him. I pretty much cater to my son just to make him happy and get him to see that I love him. I feel like his father is trying to alienate my son from me and it is working. I feel like I am losing my son and my daughter feels like she is losing her brother. This is the worst kind of pain I have ever felt. I almost feel like I should have stayed in an abusive relationship with him because I would still have my son. As much asI love my son, I don't know if I should just give in and not make him come on my weekends or continue how things are going. It has gotten to the point where I am a little depressed about it and feel like some days wouldn't be worth living. Could someone please help me or give me advice I would appreciate it. Thanks.TL;dr My 7 year old son doesn't want to visit me on my weekends. via /r/Parenting
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