Thursday, 28 September 2017

My child wants "a man" to do everything for her?

I have a few problems right now with my 12 year old, but a big one is her new attitude about responsibility.I have always been a single mother. She has never had men paraded in and out of her life because I wanted her to grow up respecting relationships. I do not want her thinking men are for one night stands or to be replaced every month/year.Her father has remarried. He has a house, spoiles her rotten and is not the best father. She never hears the word "no". There are zero chores. She doesn't even know how to use their toaster.Because of this, she thinks I can not afford 3 computers, satellite TV, and McDonald's every night. Really, I just don't want her in chat rooms, watching Cinemax, and eating crap.Since she sees her father and new wife hand her all this, she tells me she can't wait to grow old enough to "have a man" pay all the bills, do all the chores, and that she doesnt need to go to college because her "husband will do everything". She has decided she doesn't need good grades because she is never going to college. She is never getting a job because "mystery man" is going to do it all.Every time I ask her to do a chore, this is her argument. She actually told me she already knows how to do the laundry so why am I asking her. That "her man" will do it when she's older.My ex does not lift a finger. This is why I divorced him. He is lazy and I'm guessing his new wife does all the cooking and cleaning just like I did.How would you approach this attitude? She keeps asking why I don't have a boyfriend and telling me "we" (yes we) would be happier with one. I am disgusted by this mindset and my ex will never change so I will not involve him.Edit: The one time I did try to sit and explain to her we do not have people in our life just to do what we want, she scoffed and gave me a "how do you know, you don't have anyone." answer. Awful. via /r/Parenting

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