I finally created an account just for this. I'm at wits end and was hoping you fine folks might have some advice.I'm a single dad of the greatest three year old boy. For the most part I find him to be a fairly easy child in comparison to some children I have seen. He's easygoing, always happy, eats well, sleeps well. He's my first and only, so I don't exactly have a huge frame of reference, but from what many other parents have told me he's basically the dream child.Recently I've hit what I would consider to be my first major bump in the road.I've been potty training him for about the last four months, and it was going as well as could be expected for a boy who was not yet three at the time. In that time I have managed to get him to the point where he will do 95% of his pees in the potty. He will even do this independently. Many times now, I'll be making dinner or doing household chores and he'll be playing or watching cartoons on his own and he'll get up, get his potty, take off his pants and pull-up and pee all on his own. Awesome.My issue is that he just WILL NOT poop in the potty. This in itself is not a huge deal. He's still pretty young. Potty training is a marathon and not a sprint. My issue is that for the last two months not only will he not poop in the potty, but he will do what I call "stealth poops."I get wanting privacy. I wouldn't be into someone watching me poop either, but he sneaks off and poops and then just goes back to normal activity and in a minute or two there is just...poop...EVERYWHERE.My son poops like a bear. He eats healthy and poops healthy for his age, but almost every single time it's just a total disaster. Every day I'm washing bedding, mopping floors, cleaning toys, cleaning walls and obviously doing so much laundry. It's just become immensely frustrating.I know that expecting him to go on the potty might not be super reasonable. He's still pretty young, but I just can't handle it on the daily. I'm VERY clean. To an OCD extent, so I spend a pretty decent amount of time dealing with this. Cleanliness aside, nobody wants their house to smell like poop.I have tried changing his diet, changing meal times, different diapers and pull-ups, watching him like a hawk...nothing has worked. We've even spent the majority of a handful waking days parked on the potty. Early on he did go on the potty three or four times, but now nothing in weeks.At this point it seems to come down to sheer stubbornness. He waits and watches and then poops when he's alone. To test this theory I picked one of our all day potty days and later in the day when he hadn't gone I dressed him and left him in his room to play for five minutes. Poop disaster. Even leaving the potty in there with him he won't go, so privacy won't do it.I've even introduced incredibly lopsided rewards in our potty training reward system and nothing. I get that he may not poop on the potty for a bit at this age, but I've got to mediate the disasters. At this point we're at the two week mark of having to scrub it off of something every day. I'm always patient and loving, but inwardly I could just sit and cry.Any advice?PS: Praise the sun for ceramic tile flooring. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2fFNDuK
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