Thursday, 23 March 2017

Update: 2 year old needs some bloods drawn.

If anyone was interesting at all I thought I'd post an update.So my little warrior had his blood test this morning. It was me step dad and grandad today who took him, he wore his spider man top because he's so brave and we had our numbing cream on.He sat on grandads lap and didn't really need much in terms of distractions because so much was going on around him, me being pregnant started tearing up so I snuck out without him noticing.Grandad talked him through what was happening, telling him it's special big boy spiderman string to give him super strength (or something along them lines I wasn't in the room)Much to my suprise he sat and watched it happening, he didn't cry until it was taken out, I think it gave a weird feeling in his arm, and I came in and gave him a big cuddle and the whole room cheered him (3 nurses and us 3) he was crying but trying to smile.If I had taken him I would have told him not to look so maybe that's something that could have made the whole thing worse? I don't know.But he's asleep now and keeps pointing to his cotton bandage and tickling the other spots on his arms where it's still numb.In the run up to the blood test we played nurses with his teddy bears. And he has a vet game he likes to play and I was telling him about animal Dr's and human Dr's, to be honest he's so young (just turned 2.) I don't think he took much of it in.But I am one proud mum. He was unbelievably brave and even at 25 I still can't watch my bloods. Thank you everyone for your advice, it definitely helped. via /r/Parenting

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