Friday, 31 March 2017

Diaper changing woes

Hi all!My daughter just turned one earlier this month. She's such a good baby! Total dream. Except when it's time to change her diapers...She almost never cries, unless she's overly tired, or getting her diaper changed. She SCREAMS, throws herself back on the changing table, arches her back, and continually tries to roll away while getting a new diaper.I am almost always the one changing her (SAHM), but she does this for my husband as well. I give her toys, the package for wipes, dolls, anything I can think of to attempt to distract her. She just throws them off the table and continues to cry.I'm at a total loss of what to do here... it makes it so hard to take her out anywhere that I'll have to change her in public (plus the loud toilets/hand dryers in public bathrooms scare the crap out of her). Please help!! I feel terrible that she hates getting her diaper changed so much. :( via /r/Parenting

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