Monday, 27 March 2017

My 4yo made me proud last night

I've noticed an uptick in sharing good moments here lately and I love reading them so I thought I'd add my own.Yesterday, we got some hand-me-down kid piggy banks. My 4yo is just starting to want to earn and save money and was thrilled with her elephant bank. My 2yo got the other, a very cute green and orange turtle. Both girls were infatuated with them all afternoon, putting their savings in, dumping it all out, rinse and repeat for at least 45 minutes while I made dinner. My 4yo was very posssessive of her bank and didn't want 2yo putting any of her coins in it because that was her job. A few scuffles, a few interventions on my part, the typical kid selfishness with the new, awesome toy.After dinner, my 2yo grabbed hers, stumbled, and dropped it. Her turtle smashed to bits. She was so confused and upset. I tried to explain to her and console her and she just kept grabbing the larger pieces and frantically trying to put it back together. It took several minutes to get all the shards and get 2yo calmed down to just sniffling quietly in my arms.My 4yo had been watching quietly from her seat, holding her own bank, as I cleaned up and her sister struggled to come to grips with things. Suddenly, she piped up with "I know! She can share my bank! It can be ours together!" And true to her word, she didn't make one fuss about the 2yo holding or putting coins in it the rest of the evening. via /r/Parenting

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