Friday, 31 March 2017

I got into a car accident today

I just wanted to share/vent with people that would understand just how freaking terrifying it was.I was on my way home after I picked my daughter up from daycare today, on a country highway, and some lady decided to pull out/not stop at a stop sign. She T-Boned me, ran me off the road, and then I hit a truck.All the airbags deployed. The car was filled with smoke. My door was jammed shut. My baby was screaming and I. Couldn't. Get. Out. I admit I wasn't thinking clearly, I could've crawled over the seats, but I was just screaming for help and pounding the windows and no one came.The lady that hit me didn't even have a lot of damage! She didn't check on us! A Good Samaritan came to help us. I kept telling them to get my baby but no one was listening. It was the most terrifying thing that I've ever been through. My baby is completely fine, not even a scratch, and I'm just bruised, but it was horrible.I've never been a great driver, but I had been accident free for two years. I have made every effort to be as safe as humanely possible with my daughter, and it didn't matter. It didn't matter because someone else was in too much of a hurry/too busy texting/too stupid to completely stop at a freaking stop sign and check to see if it was clear to go. My daughter could have died and she didn't even check! Ever! The guy whose truck I hit, which was empty and for sale, drove all the way there to check on us but not the friggin woman whose fault it was!It's just, terrifying. And I'm glad we bought a really safe car. And that we make sure the car seat is seated properly and the right tightness. I'm glad someone was looking out for us today. via /r/Parenting

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