My daughter (13) has declared (just to me) that she is a boy and I'm a little confused. Let me say up front that whether this is a phase or a permanent change I'm okay with either one, that's not important to me. I'm confused because up until now she has never expressed herself as a boy except for not liking dresses/skirts, otherwise she has just been a girl (does her hair and nails, wants to be "pretty", had no interest in any boy toys or clothes (other than the no skirts thing), has never expressed anything other than female. From what I've read kids that are transgender tend to express themselves at an early age and she really didn't fit the "signs".How do I know if this is a phase or permanent?Is it normal that this is just coming out at 13?I'm looking for a psychologist or therapist to help us figure things out but I have no idea how to select one. I don't know anyone who has gone through this to get local recommendations and I don't want to accidentally end up at someone who will try to "fix" my child. How do I find a good one?She doesn't want to tell her dad or siblings until we see a professional to help guide us. It's her choice but this makes it hard to change her clothes or pronouns.Advice? via /r/Parenting
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