I currently have a wonderful 22 months old girl and always said we wanted more children(2-3) but now we both are really on the fence about it. For starters it took us 3 years to get pregnant so now we are 29 and 32 so we feel like we are getting too old. Next problem is my daughter is a lot of work and I don't think I can handle two kids sometimes I just want to rip my hair out dealing with her all day(I am a stay at home mom with no support besides my husband we don't live near family or friends), we never get a break ever, I can't deal with no sleep the infant stage was awful for us and my daughter didn't sleep more than a hour at a time until 4 months, the cost of having 2 kids seems crazy we want to pay for college and private school and buy her first car and with two that won't happen, and we travel a lot and the cost would be too much with two kids and I want to go back to work next year when my daughters in preschool and can't if we have another. But then there is the other side will we regret it? Will my daughter be happier with a sibling? She loves playing with other kids(we go to story time at the library a few times a week). We have to decide soon since we are not getting younger but I just don't think I can handle two it seems impossible! So one and done parents how is it going for you? via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2nL21Ve
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