Monday, 27 March 2017

My girlfriend stays at home with our 5 month old daughter and she's starting to become extremely impatient with her.

So my girlfriend and I are in our mid twenties and have a 5 month old that we love very much. We're fortunate enough to where my girlfriend can stay home with our daughter and it's worked out beautifully so far but the last month or so I've noticed my girlfriend gradually getting easily annoyed with our daughters fussing. It honestly doesn't even have to be fussing for her to get angry. Our baby could just be cooing and rolling around and my girlfriend will get upset. I've noticed that she will be fussing for not even 2 minutes before my gf starts saying "she's about to drive me crazy, etc." Well, today she had a full blown meltdown and starting crying and she's now gone to her moms house for the day. She says she feels like a terrible mom and hates feeling this way but doesn't know what to do. What do I do to help her besides just telling her to take a deep breathe and calm down? Usually you can just rock her or walk her around and she'll go to sleep but it's like my gf is so worked up she can't even think to do that.I just need some advice on how I can help her get over this because I'm worried how she's going to be able to handle her once she can crawl and walk. Any help would be nice. via /r/Parenting

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