Friday, 31 March 2017

Neurotypical kid - Seeking Diversity

I used to work as a Behavior Specialist before having a baby, and it's a value of mine to have my son integrated with kids of differing abilities as he grows up. I've found that there's a lot of separation between kids with differences, and kids without - and it seems to be rare that parents of kids with typical development seek out those with special needs. Since diversity is more than just race and socioeconomics, how have you (or how have you seen others) find a way to incorporate people with different abilities into their child's life? I guess it probably comes about organically, someone in your family or circle of friends has a child with different needs and that's how you get to know each other. For example, I know many kids as old as middle school who don't even know what Down Syndrome is let alone knowing a person who has DS. My utopia would be seeing all kids mix, and reducing the amount of sidelining of kids with disabilities. I'm only 2 months into this parenting gig and would like advice - how do you think we can bridge the ability gap? via /r/Parenting

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