Thursday, 30 March 2017

Fighting while changing clothes

3yo boy. He fights (kicks, hits, head butts) when we try changing diaper or pants. The weird part is that he does it even when he is in a good mood. And he smiles when he does it. I think this means he thinks it is a game.I have tried to be calm and explain that it is not a game, that he could easily hurt someone (which he definitely could because he is big for his age and kicks hard) sometimes when it happens and I an really tired and in a rush to get him changed, I have lost my temper and really screamed at him. This results in him putting his hands over his face and acting sad. Obviously this is not ideal because it makes me feel so guilty for yelling at him in a very intense manner. Once or twice I have flicked his foot which again results in him being sad or sometimes just ignoring it and continuing to smile and kick.How do you convince a toddler who thinks we are playing a game that we are not playing a game? I'm worried that he will do it with my grandma and really hurt her.Language wise he understands perhaps a little less than the typical 3yo, maybe not though. But I do not think he understands the concept of playing vs being serious yet.Any advice? via /r/Parenting

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