Friday, 24 March 2017

My boyfriend doesn't want my mom in the delivery room with us how do I tell her?

So I'm 11 weeks pregnant and this is my 6th pregnancy 1 miscarriage 4 live births and two of them were adopted out. For all four births my mom has been in the delivery room with me because I didn't have anybody else to support me through it. And now that I'm pregnant again my boyfriend doesn't want my mom in the room with us when the baby is born . he says that if I need support that he needs to be the one I come to for comfort and support in labor. But I feel really bad telling my mom that she can't be there to watch her grandchild coming to the world and then it's not because I don't want her there. How can I tell my mom that she can't be in the room with us when the baby is born? My mom has been my support through everything. via /r/Parenting

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