Friday, 24 March 2017

2.5 year old cries at everything

My child is 2.5 years old and for the last couple weeks he is just crying nonstop at home. He's fine at daycare but in the morning from 7am-8am he just cries that he can't watch a movie, cries about getting his diaper changed, cries about getting yogurt, cries when he gets the yogurt. We ask him if he's hungry/tired/upset/sad but he says "no" to all of them. Same thing in the evening when we pick him up from daycare in the evening. Cries about supper, cries about getting changed into pajamas, etc. He isn't behaving this way at daycare or else they would have notified us. Please tell me someone else has experienced this because it's driving me crazy. via /r/Parenting

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