Saturday, 4 February 2017

Traveling with a 5 and a half months old for a whole month: buying a good umbrella stroller?

Hi everyone,We will be traveling soon for a whole month in Japan with our five and a half months old daughter and we are considering buying an umbrella stroller for the trip. We have a Bugaboo Buffalo at home and we are still considering if it's best to just travel with it instead, but taking into account its bulkiness, weight and the whole lot of horrible stories of airlines destroying strollers, I am more and more doubtful.My main candidate for an umbrella stroller is the Recaro Easylife but there are a bunch of questions that still plague me:This particular stroller does not recline completely horizontal (though it reclines quite a bit) therefore in the specifications it says minimum age is 6 months. Do you think is OK to use with a 5 1/2 months old? Anyone have a similar experience? Or could it be problematic for the muscle development of the child?We will be traveling for a whole month, so is expected that our daughter will spend a fair amount of time on the stroller, even combining it with a carrier (at least a couple of hours every day). Is this type of stroller OK for this amount of use? I wouldn't do it with a cheap umbrella stroller, but hopefully this type would be almost as comfortable and good for the baby as our regular bugaboo.Do you think is better to just deal with the extra weight and risk and just take our Bugaboo?Thanks in advance! via /r/Parenting

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