My toddler has been have a sentive belly the last couple weeks. I thought it was just a bug since hubby and I had the same issue but ours have cleared up. She threw up again this morning and I spent forever trying to figure out what she had that had beans in after diner last night. Last night was chicken and there was none of that in the throw up. Turned out she had hidden her lunch form yesterday in her room when I wasn't looking. It was chili with beans. And then ate it this morning before I got up. Hubby and I did a full clean on her room and found all kinds of moldy snacks. Different fruits and cheese. Some of it looked like it had been smacked on recently too. So I think that's part of why she's been sick.The thing is I don't prevent her from snacking when she's hungry or tell her no unless she's already eaten a good bit of what ever it is she's asking for that day. She loves her fruits and will sit with me and eat a whole apple or a whole clamshell of berries. She also has a small cabinet in the kitchen that she can get dry snacks out of if she wants one of those instead.So I'm at a loss as to why she is hiding then eating old food when she has fresh food I will give her or that she can get herself. What am I doing wrong here?EDIT to add: my dad did talk to his councilor who spent has spent most of his career working work with children that have behavioral problems. According to him she is having a control issue right now and should grow out of it within the next four months. If she doesn't then we can sit down with him and figure out the next course of action to take. He also said to not get mad at her but explain that the bad food is making her sick. So at least I know I reacted right by washing her up and telling her the bad food wasn't good to eat and that I'm not mad at her for it or the mess. But I'm not sure how anyone can be mad at a sick toddler and still be human.I would still love insight from other parents who may have had this problem or know someone who did and what was done about it. Right now our plan is to just keep a closer eye on her so she can't run off with food that can go bad. I'm not too worried if she wants to hid crackers I just don't want her making herself sick. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2l99ZS1
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