Sunday, 26 February 2017

Looking For Advice/Support: MIL gave my 2.5yo daughter a Bible and now she (daughter) is asking to read stories about Jesus

I am not a particularly religious person and my wife is a "spiritual - Christian" at best. I have no issue with religion, but it's just not for me. Some background though. My FIL started showing signs of dementia around this time last year so we moved across the country to be closer to my in laws. MIL has a propensity to go off the deep end about lots of things: perceived slights, liberals, "queers", etc. After a recent blow up following the passing of FIL, we finally made peace with MIL and visited. MIL sent my daughter home with a Bible and a Jesus themed bracelet and when we got home she stated with the enthusiasm and naïveté only 2.5 year olds can have, that she wanted to read stories about Jesus. I was taken aback knowing that of course my MIL must have said something to prompt this request from my daughter. My question is what should we do? I hid the Bible but my wife feels bad about "depriving our daughter of religion". I feel that she is too young to be steered to any religion especially one her parents are not involved with. MIL will freak out if we try to even approach the topic of not trying to teach our daughter about Jesus as she has already freaked out about our attempts to try to "tell her what to do" with regards to what she feeds and how she speaks to our daughter. We told her we if she can't respect our choices as parents and continues to undermine us then she may not be allowed to see our daughter anymore. All she heard is that we were going to take her granddaughter away from her and freaked out again. I guess at this point I'm just venting and looking for any advice and support I can get. So please, what have y'all got for me. Sorry for the wall of text. via /r/Parenting

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