Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Work From Home Mom - Frustration

I'm frustrated and I don't exactly know what to do with it so I'm writing about it to strangers. I work from home. I'm in a job that would easily pictured as a banking-formal corporate office job, we just happen to do it from home offices since we're spread out all over the country. I have an 8 month old in day care, for the same reason you wouldn't take an infant to your corporate office job.But I'm at home. So sick baby is me, sick pets are me, need to run something to the post office, emergency grocery run, stepkids need somewhere to go because everyone else works at a work place, all me. Laundry needs to get done? Me. Pet barfed on the floor. Me. Bottles need to be washed, kid needs to get picked up, dishwasher needs to be unloaded? My "smoke" and lunch break is all these things.Today I have a sick baby who can't go back to day care for 24 hours, and I'm trying to make client calls in the five seconds between him making noise. He's mad because I can't let him crawl around the floor and also be on my computer doing things I have to do, so there's a lot of noise.Work is insanely busy and I get zero separation of work and home life. I never feel like I can fully focus on work, and I never get all the house stuff that needs to be done complete.My husband just got a massive promotion, manages a department, and makes about 130% of what I do, but not enough where we don't need my income. My income is too high to justify not working, day care is still not more than 50% of my pay.I'm just super jealous and frustrated today that I feel like I'm juggling everything always, and my husband gets to say "I wish I could work from home and help but I've got meetings I have to be at, I'm sorry" and walk out the door to a job where work is just work and home is just home, and gets to go out to lunch with adults, and see humans who aren't Walgreen's cashiers.There's no fix for this really. My husband is great about housework. It just really sucks today. I need a vacation and a margarita and a housewife. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2m4G1mG

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