He suffers from a serious mental health issue that he refuses treatment for which means he can't look after our daughter (opinion of me and my daughter's social workers) because there's a risk he'll have a delusion about her and then harm her, or me, or disappear with her. However, we are stuck in the appeals stage of court so at the moment we still have joint custody so he has legal rights to make decisions for her.Last autumn our kid (6 years old) was referred to the child psychiatry clinic for sleeping, behavioural, and fear issues but because of his illness he believes that I am lying about her issues and that they are all just due to her not seeing him so he has refused his consent for any further treatment for her with the child psychiatrist. So now she's stuck in a treatment limbo, clearly needs treatment as she had an initial assessment before he struck up a fuss but she can't go to any more appointments because of him.Not only this, but he is now upsetting her a lot during their phone contact by telling her that he has Christmas and birthday presents for her but he won't give them unless she goes to his house.Its impossible to reason with him - to him I am an evil lying bitch who just wants to hurt him and his delusions are so strong that he thinks he has a team of professionals agreeing with him. I just don't know what to do now, until there's a court order I can't get our daughter treatment, I can't take her abroad to see her grandparents (he refuses approval for her passport renewal), he won't go to supervised visits so she doesn't get to see him and gets upset from that and he tells her its all my fault. Not sure why I'm writing this, just a rant I guess, but I'm at the limit now, I'm wishing he'd die in a car crash or something because he's just going to fuck with our lives forever**To be fair, when he's having proper medical treatment he can be a decent dad but he only gets treatment when he gets bad enough to be forced into the psych ward via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2mBVWqn
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