Saturday, 25 February 2017

How do you split up your kids events when they collide?

My husband and I have three kids (14M, 12M, 11F). Occasionally, they will have events that collide.My eldest is an athlete and plays sports all year round. Because of that, the younger two are bound to have something that clashes with one of his games. My daughter is also and athlete, but my younger son is more musical. I'm perfectly okay with that. I want my kids to have their own individual interest.However, whenever our oldest has an event that clashes with my younger son, my husband always goes with my older son to watch him play. I always go with the younger one to see him perform.Again, I am fine with watching my kid perform, but I really don't think this is fair that we always get settled into the same roles. There are times when I want to see my son play ball. He pitched a no hitter a couple of years ago and I missed it.I am just curious to see how you guys handle things like this. Do you switch it up each time or did you guys get settled into roles like we did? How do you deal with missing the other kids big accomplishments? via /r/Parenting

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