Tuesday, 28 February 2017

I won't be having anymore children will I?

I have a gorgeous funny cheeky little girl who's 20 months. I adore her and love spending time with her and being her mum but she has her problems. She was born with Hip Dysplasia in both hips and wore a pavlik harness from 8 weeks old for 12 weeks. It was an awful time for me. When she came out of it at nearly 5 months old they told us she'd be 8-12 months behind her peers in terms of her development but should have totally caught up and be walking by 18 months old.Well she's not. She was almost there, almost walking, could push herself to standing from the floor and stand for a few seconds and would attempt a few steps, this was a few weeks ago. But now she can't. She was seriously ill in November and ended up in hospital with a serious chest and bladder infection, she was really poorly and we almost lost her at one point. So she's regressed, they think she's regressed approximately 6 months (She was 16 months when she went into hospital). She was catching up, but then as always happens she caught a cold and has regressed a month again. And it affects everything, not just her physical development but her mental and emotional. She's speech delayed. I'm in the UK and the NHS states in her red book that she should know between 20 and 30 words by now, and should be starting to form sentences. She has a grand total of 3 words, and although she occasionally babbles at home, she never does it at Nursery or Playgroup or in front of the Health Visitor, and whenever I try and film it she stops babbling, I feel like no-ones listening though and they won't refer her for speech therapy until she's 2.5. She answers questions wrong too. So for example if you ask her if she has a pet dog she nods then will point at the cat - we only have the cat not a dog. She's the same with everything. If you ask her if daddy's at work when he's sat next to her she nods. I'm beginning to wonder if she'll ever be "normal" like her friends at Nursery. It makes me so sad.I'd love another child, but my husband and I have decided to wait until we know if our daughter will ever walk, talk and be normal before having anymore, plus I don't want to move out of the area we're in, it's near to the Nursery, my friends and the town centre. But we live in a tiny 2 bed flat that is barely big enough for the 3 of us plus cat, and houses rarely come up where we live.I'm not going to have anymore children am I? The clocks ticking and times running out for me, I don't want a large age gap anyway - 2-3 years is probably my limit. So I won't be having anymore children will I? And I'm sad as I'd love another. My daughters amazing and despite her problems I'm constantly being told how funny she is and how well behaved she is. I find parenting her easy, and expected much more of a challenge, I even think I secretly want a challenging child then feel disloyal to my daughter.Anyone else feel like me? Please make me feel better. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2m7vY0l

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